You are here bad on Ubiquiti Rocket M2

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AB4YY bad on Ubiquiti Rocket M2

I upgraded a Rocket M2 from to the new, and it is not working right.  The neighbors show up mostly as IP numbers, LQs are low and NLQs very low.  RF operation is useless.  I have LQM turned off.

Going back to brings the node back to be fully usable.

The two files tried are:

  • aredn-
  • aredn-

The admin page shows: Hardware Type: (ath79/generic) ubnt (rocket-m)

Attached is the support data file (renamed to supportdata-K4QJZ-Rocket-202404280847.tar.gz.doc).

Any suggestions?
Thanks, Mike AB4YY

ko0ooo's picture
same issues here with my old Ubiquiti PowerBeam

connecting with a node 26 miles away..    The remote node is a Rocket M5 using 

Using     LQ and NLQ are consistently 90% to 100%    no issues

Using     LQ is consistently 90% or better..   NLQ ranges from 100% to 10% over a 3 minute period.    DNS name will periodically drop and replaced by the IP

here are the two versions I've tried...   LQM doesn't seem to make a difference with either firmware.

aredn-                works

aredn-                don't work

Richard    ko0ooo
w6bi's picture
Richard, try nightly build 20240512 on these devices.   It has a number of LQM tweaks and improvements.   Report results!

Orv W6BI
ko0ooo's picture

Before reading Mike's post, I believed my old PowerBeam was dying and replaced it with a Rocket 5AC Lite with a high gain dish (which I'm really impressed with by the way)

github issue #1055 doesn't mention the Rocket 5AC Lite as having the issue.   I haven't tried version thou, currently using     

Has anyone tested the 5AC with

Richard    ko0ooo
ko0ooo's picture
Rummaging thru my scrap pile, I found a NanoStation M5 XM.   Assuming it doesn't have its own problems, I'll create a Rube Goldberg test site for it and the PowerBeam later today.

Richard   ko0ooo
ko0ooo's picture
test results
From the Rube Goldberg Antenna Test Site and Adult Daycare Center...    Test results for PowerBeam M5 < > NanoStation M5

Power level for both radios 10dBm
Radios approximately 100' apart and mounted  4' above ground. The PB was pointed SW toward the remote mountain node, the NS pointed at the side of the PB.  (Even at waist level the PB could hear the remote mountain node on channel 172 at 90%.)
LQ and NLQ between the NS and PB remained steady at 100% for all tests.

1. The PB exhibited the stability problems.  Ping times vary considerably.  Ping test is JPEG 1
NS -
PB -
Channel - 172

2. The PB also exhibited the same stability problems using this nightly build.  Ping times also vary considerably.  Notice the new station that now appears.   Ping test is JPEG 2
NS -   
PB - 20240513-7c4892d
Channel - 172

3.  Reinstalled on the PB and moved to a quiet channel (183)   Ran test for about 30 minutes with no problems.  Ping tests consistently low.  Ping test is JPEG 3
NS -   
PB -
Channel - 183

It appears the addition of another station messes things up for both and nightly 20240513-7c4892d.

Richard   ko0ooo


Image Attachments: 
I was going to suggest trying nightly 20240513 into the mix, but you've already done that.  I had a little (very) tentative success on one link with the nightly + 3.23.12 + LQM.  Also LQM being on/off seems to matter again--a different link is up again but no-go with LQM on.  If I'm reading the changelogs and notes correctly the nightly goes back to the "old" way of broadcast vs. unicast in OLSR if LQM is off.  I have seen it fix one and break one... so yeah....?

Adding a 3rd localized node to a link does bring up the possibility of it being a 'hidden' node as far as the hilltop node is concerned.  Can you get the nano somewhere 'above the fence' where it might be heard by the hilltop, even if not fully connected?  I had this situation here and letting all 3 somewhat hear each other improved things greatly.
ko0ooo's picture
hidden node
I did some poking around and found the following..   below is my crude map of the MESH network in Vegas.  

The node with IP belongs to Red Mountain in the SE part of the valley.   One of its antennas is a 90 degree sector pointing NW into the Vegas valley, on channel 172

The mountain node my PB points to is High Potosi, in the SW part of the valley.   It also uses a 90 degree sector pointing NE into the Vegas valley, also on channel 172

Each system doesn't appear on their respective neighbors list.   So I assume they don't hear each other, at least not enough to show up on the table.

Most likely I'm hearing Red Mountain due to a reflection off the mountains.   

I'll try moving the NS around my backyard, with luck I'll find a place where it hears Potosi.

Richard    ko0ooo

I'm not 100% sure but i was
I'm not 100% sure but i was having issues with a set of hAP ac lites after upgrading yesterday. I thought it was something i was doing but maybe it was the firmware?
Have a look...
Have a look at closed github issue #1055 and see if that's the same

This was reported a few cycles into the nightlies after 3.23.12, likely when OpenWRT 23.05 was introduced.  Spent a lot of time testing this and we closed it thinking it was OK, but probably prematurely in hindsight. I still see the same issues on a PowerBeam M5 400 and several SXTsq Lite2's.  I can reliably introduce continuous high latency and even dropped packets by switching between versions as you've noticed.  Don't believe it's an external itinerant RF issue as I can make it happen or go away as fast as new firmware will load.

My two test links are:
PowerBeam M5 400 (variable fw) against a Rocket M5 XW (not my node) running  About 5 mi. -65RSSI, 100%LQ/NLQ normally.
SXTsq Lite2 against a Nanostation M2 XW.  Nanostation version doesn't seem to matter. SXTs only work well with 3.23.12.  This is a short on-site link between buildings with one extra node down the street.  Introducing a 2nd lab SXT makes it worse but could be because it's a hidden node as far as the one down the street is concerned.  Still, it's a 2nd data point which behaves the same as the first SXT--3.23.12 always makes the whole segment happy.

Also saw this in town on a Rocket M5 sector to half dozen clients of various hw types, possibly a RocketM3 trio, and another pair of PB 400's as well. Those too were rolled back successfully.

If you all have more long-term test data please post it.  A simple dirty ping and 'it works!" moments after upgrading won't cut it.  It may take a while for the problem to manifest. I have run ping stats overnight and 3.23.12 is perfectly stable, while 3.24 is all over the place. Try also extended iperf's and observe the retries and data size not just overall speed. Take before and after readings as you upgrade any nodes.  It's not certain if this affects only the hardware types above or what. RF-less hAP and x86 images seem to be unaffected.


ko0ooo's picture
github #1055
github issue #1055 accurately describes what I'm experiencing with my PowerBeam M5 when using firmware.

I also saw this warning several times while running version    
       blocked - retries: the retransmission rate is too high to reliably pass data

I'm limited with equipment, and the remote node 26 miles distant is the only station I can reliably link with.   The owners, and other Vegas valley users, probably won't appreciate my tests.

Richard    ko0ooo
Opened issue for this.  Please add additional comments or data.


NanoStation M5s also seem to not work as well
I started to roll out onto a few NanoStation M5s and immediately got suspicious of the link stability.  The link from the node I was connected to, to the next adjacent node, also a NanoStation M5, was nowhere near as stable as before.  Just to be sure, I backed the two NSM5s back to the previous version and the previous stability returned.  
This is a remote node so I
This is a remote node so I will not be trying other builds any time soon.  For the time being, we will stay with
- Mike

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