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Upgrading Mikrotik from ar71xx branch to ath79 branch

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KD7DK's picture
Upgrading Mikrotik from ar71xx branch to ath79 branch
I have a Mikrotik RB-912uag-2hpnd that is on the last version of the ar71xx branch of AREDN code.  I need to convert it to the newer ath79 codebase but it does not appear that a simple sysupgrade will work (I tried).  Can someone describe the necessary steps to make this architecture change in an existing AREDN node currently running of the ar71xx branch.  If I missed a thread discussing this or some docs, just send me a reference.


-Doug-, KD7DK
nc8q's picture
Hi, Doug:
I recommend using a 'first install' PXE method.
73, Chuck

NH6HI's picture
Indirect access
What if you only have remote access?
nc8q's picture
What if you only have remote access?
Hi, Jim:

One might try
There is a '-f' (force) option in the sysupgrade command when loading firmware that has been previously
transfered to the node.

73, Chuck

NH6HI's picture
no joy with basebox5
I have had luck with everything but basebox5. Anybody had the same issue on the download ath79 upgrade? Short of a complete new install, it won't take it.
nc8q's picture
Anybody had the same issue on the download ath79 upgrade?
Hi, Jim:

I used the 'scp', 'ssh', 'sysupgrade -F' method.

73, Chuck

Can you be more specific,
Can you be more specific, what firmware version number is it on now and is it working?  I don't recall which ar71XX is what.

The baseboxes can be stubborn sometimes to upgrade.  I had one that would not do it for months, then all of a sudden relented.  You could default to one of the ssh loading methods instead of using the web interface.

NH6HI's picture
Current Version:      Hardware Type: (ar71xx/mikrotik) mikrotik (rb-912uag-5hpnd)
New from the download under Administration: aredn-

It goes through the motions but comes back the same as it was.

Every other Mikrotik device I own will upgrade but the basebox5 using upload. Looks like I have to go to each site if I want to upgrade.
Does this device happen to
Does this device happen to have a lot of packages installed, or other services installed?  One method mentioned now and then is removing packages so less memory is being tied up, rebooting, then trying the remote upload ...  just another thought.    Ed
NH6HI's picture
I have a half dozen of these
I have a half dozen of these and none will update via download. I have the basic build on all and no add-ons. It looks like short of going to the locations, It's not going to happen.
nc8q's picture
It feels like Jim is ignoring me.
It feels like Jim is ignoring me.
NH6HI's picture
Not ignoring you!
I tried all that you suggested but was still not successful. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed and maybe I'm making a dumb mistake. I'm not a software guy and Linux and command line stuff is a hard thing to grasp although I try. Maybe I can get with you and use something like AnyDesk and you can give me an education. I'm not afraid to learn.Jim NH6HI
nc8q's picture
Please provide the nodename and
Hi, Jim:

To transfer the image from a Windows computer you can use a Secure Copy program such as WinSCP.
Then use a terminal program such as PuTTY to connect to the node via ssh or telnet in order to run the
sysupgrade command shown as the last line above.

I was hoping to see a comment about your use of WinSCP to transfer the sysupgrade.bin file to the node.
Did you transfer the sysupgrade.bin file to the node and then ssh (Putty) into the node and execute
a 'sysupgrade -F ' command?
If yes, please copy and paste that sequence so the we can see that the command was accepted and executed.
If there was an error message, please include that too.

I have no knowledge of 'AnyDesk'. :-|

73, Chuck
Chuck, AnyDesk looks like a
Chuck, AnyDesk looks like a remote control of desktop program where Jim would turn control over to you and watch you explore what's wrong.

Short of doing that, you guys could schedule a Zoom or teams meeting where Jim shares screen and Chuck instructs.  I would agree that something is being missed here.  The thread started out discussing a single device that would not update and you said others were just fine.  Now you say that six devices are not updating, so it's really unlikely six devices had some sort of similar failure all at the same time.  I suggest a Zoom call where Jim is both on internet and mesh at the same time (easy to do if your internet access goes thru a hAP or similar switch).  There are several folks on the forum who might spot what is being missed here.

nc8q's picture
sysupgrade -F : Show and tell...
I am going to show what I did:

gelmce@nc8q-desktop:~$ cd Downloads/AREDNMESH/NightlyBuilds/20240327/ath79/generic

gelmce@nc8q-desktop:~/Downloads/AREDNMESH/NightlyBuilds/20240327/ath79/generic$ scp -P2222 aredn-20240327-3d1faf8-ath79-generic-ubnt_litebeam-ac-gen2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin root@NC8Q-LBE5acGen2f:/tmp
root@nc8q-lbe5acgen2f's password:
aredn-20240327-3d1faf8-ath79-generic-ubnt_litebeam-ac-gen2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin  100% 5697KB   1.3MB/s   00:04    

gelmce@nc8q-desktop:~/Downloads/AREDNMESH/NightlyBuilds/20240327/ath79/generic$ ssh -p2222 root@NC8Q-LBE5acGen2f
root@nc8q-lbe5acgen2f's password:

BusyBox v1.36.1 (2023-11-14 13:38:11 UTC) built-in shell (ash)

              _____  ______ _____  _   _
        /\   |  __ \|  ____|  __ \| \ | |TM
       /  \  | |__) | |__  | |  | |  \| |
      / /\ \ |  _  /|  __| | |  | | . ` |
     / ____ \| | \ \| |____| |__| | |\  |
    /_/    \_\_|  \_\______|_____/|_| \_|
 1) Research AREDN and choose a supported device
 2) Download and install AREDN firmware
 3) Deploy and enjoy the mesh
  20240325-d517e4f, r23630-842932a63d

root@NC8Q-LBE5acGen2f:~# ls -l /tmp/aredn*
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       5833526 Mar 28 23:37 /tmp/aredn-20240327-3d1faf8-ath79-generic-ubnt_litebeam-ac-gen2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

root@NC8Q-LBE5acGen2f:~# sysupgrade -F aredn-20240327-3d1faf8-ath79-generic-ubnt_litebeam-ac-gen2-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
Thu Mar 28 23:38:59 UTC 2024 upgrade: Saving config files...
Thu Mar 28 23:39:00 UTC 2024 upgrade: Commencing upgrade. Closing all shell sessions.
Command failed: Connection failed
root@NC8Q-LBE5acGen2f:~# client_loop: send disconnect: Broken pipe

...I waited about 6 minutes...

gelmce@nc8q-desktop:~/Downloads/AREDNMESH/NightlyBuilds/20240327/ath79/generic$ ssh -p2222 root@NC8Q-LBE5acGen2f
root@nc8q-lbe5acgen2f's password:

BusyBox v1.36.1 (2024-03-22 22:09:42 UTC) built-in shell (ash)

              _____  ______ _____  _   _
        /\   |  __ \|  ____|  __ \| \ | |TM
       /  \  | |__) | |__  | |  | |  \| |
      / /\ \ |  _  /|  __| | |  | | . ` |
     / ____ \| | \ \| |____| |__| | |\  |
    /_/    \_\_|  \_\______|_____/|_| \_|
 1) Research AREDN and choose a supported device
 2) Download and install AREDN firmware
 3) Deploy and enjoy the mesh
  20240327-3d1faf8, r23809-234f1a2efa

... Note that my device was upgraded from 20240325 to 20230327 ...

Jim: Please show what you did.

73, Chuck
NH6HI's picture
Let me claify
All my devices are Mikrotik. hAP, SXT, LGH, & Basebox5. Everything but the basebox5's upgraded from ar71 to ath79. I have more than 6 basebox5's out in remote places. I have a Basebox5 on my van sitting in my driveway that I just tried to upgrade and it failed to the point that I had to re-flash like from new. I didn't do a screenprint. I just saw all the new posts so I'm going to try it again and try to get some screenshots through the process.I'll get back in a bit.

NH6HI's picture
Here it is
I did the following and now can't access it. Will climb on the roof and bring it down tomorrow.
Couldn't post the pictures

nc8q's picture
I did the following
Hi, Jim:

Like I did in number 15,
I was hoping that you would copy and paste the text from the console commands you used.
I was hoping to see the commands you used and the responses from your device.

73, Chuck

nc8q's picture
I didn't do a screenprint.
Hi, Jim:

I, also, did not do a screen print.

73, Chuck


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