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How should I configure my network?

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KN4TLV's picture
How should I configure my network?

Hello AREDN Community,

I'm currently setting up a network that includes a MikroTik hAP ac lite router and a NanoStation LocoM2, and I'm seeking advice on the best way to network these devices together within the AREDN framework. My goal is to ensure seamless connectivity and optimal performance for both devices, leveraging the unique capabilities of AREDN.

Current Setup:

  • MikroTik hAP ac Lite
  • NanoStation LocoM2


  • Integrate the NanoStation LocoM2 with the MikroTik hAP ac Lite to create a cohesive and efficient network.
  • Ensure devices connected to the NanoStation can communicate seamlessly with devices on the MikroTik network and vice versa.
  • Optimize settings for both devices for the best performance within the AREDN network, considering factors like channel selection, power settings, and network topology.


  1. Configuration Advice: What are the recommended configurations for both the MikroTik hAP ac Lite and the NanoStation LocoM2 to achieve my objectives? Are there specific settings or modes (e.g., bridge mode for the LocoM2) that would be most effective?

  2. Networking Tips: How should I structure my network to best leverage the capabilities of AREDN? Are there particular networking principles or practices I should follow to ensure compatibility and performance?

  3. Additional Recommendations: Any tips on monitoring, maintenance, or troubleshooting within this setup would be greatly appreciated. Also, if there are any additional hardware or software tools you recommend integrating into my network, I'm open to suggestions.

Thank you in advance for your insights and assistance. I'm looking forward to leveraging your collective expertise to enhance my network's functionality and performance within the AREDN ecosystem.

Best regards, KN4TLV

nc8q's picture
Configuring a RB952Ui-5ac2nD and nanostation-loco-m2
How should I configure my RB952Ui-5ac2nD and nanostation-loco-m2?

Hi, James:

I assume that you have loaded AREDN firmware on both devices and
configured them according to the documentation on this site

A common way to link these devices is to connect an ethernet cable
between the LAN port on the POE injector of the loco nanostation and
port 5 of the hAP-ac-lite.

If/when you wish to link with other AREDN stations directly via RF or
via a VPN internet tunnel, please provide information about that.

Michael N9MS is about 8 miles from you.
Perhaps you know him or could leave him a PM here at
Michael's Bullet M2 was last refreshed in the AREDN MAP on 2023-06-24 13:34:17.040729.

73, Chuck
KN4TLV's picture
How should I configure my network?
ISP Router --- MikroTik Router (Port 1)
       |                                 |
(Port 2)                    (PoE Port 5) 
       |                                 |
Network Switch (Port 1)      Loco M2
  (Port 2)

This is the general topology that I was thinking of, but when I hook everything up I can't find the Loco M2 ip address and the "localnode" address for the locom2 doesn't work.
nc8q's picture
Reply to #3

That is a logical diagram.
The 'Network Switch (Port 1)' is redundant at this point.
Connect your PC to port 2 or 3 or 4 on the hAP.

73, Chuck

KN4TLV's picture
ISP Router
    +--- MikroTik Router
         +--- PC (Port 1)
         +--- Network Switch (Port 2)
         |     |
         |     +--- Additional Devices
         +--- Loco M2 (PoE Port 5)

I could do this as an alternative as long as the MicroTik serves internet to the devices on the lower network switch. But I'd still need to know how to find the web interface for the Loco M2.
nc8q's picture
Reply to #5: Alternative
Hi, James:

Your diagram may not work.
You do not indicate which port of the hAP is connected to your ISP.
You do not indicate which port of the hAP is connected to your PC.
The 'Network Switch' is redundant.
On the hAP, often the ISP connects to Port 1;
up to 3 'Additional Devices' connect to Ports 2,3,4;
1 AREDN device connects to Port 5.
If you have more than 3 devices that you want on the LAN of the hAP, then you need a '(simple) Network Switch'  and
this 'LAN Network Switch' connects to Port 2 or 3 or 4.
If you have more than 1 AREDN device to connect via DtD, then you need a
'Network Switch' that will pass 'tagged' traffic (most do) connected to port 5 of the hAP.

"how to find the web interface for the Loco M2":
When your equipment is set up like I suggest and your PC is connected to port 2 or 3 or 4 of the hAP, then
the web GUI of the Loco M2 will be a clickable link on the GUI of the hAP and
also addressable via its 'mesh address: x.x.x.x/8'

73, Chuck

K6CCC's picture
There are multiple ways to
There are multiple ways to connect things together.  What Chuck is describing is one of the common recommendations.  Your PC will get a 10.x.y.z address from the hAP and reach the AREDN network either via IP addresses or device name.  The PC will also reach the Internet via the Internet connection on port 1 of the hAP.

As I said, there are multiple ways do hook things up.  The above recommended way is not how I'm doing it, but I am also not using a consumer grade router at home.  What I am doing can not be done with most consumer grade routers.  What I am doing works very well for me.
excuse me for jumping in to this thread. K6CCC I've read a few replies you've made regarding DtD and the hAP AC lite.
I received today my first hAP (actually 3) and have at home on the floor one hop NanoBeam AC gen2. 
My NB connected to port 5 with enabled PoE, pc port 2, internet from home network port 1.
Another hAP powered on, which can be seen as an RF unit Neighborhood Node, so from pc I see both hAP's but not the NB on port 5.
Also tried a 2.4 CPE on the same DtD port, and on the other hAP's port 5.
I can not see anything over the DtD.Should appear as Local node.

Before the hAP's I could of course see the hop when connected on LAN.

Latest firmware on all nodes, have not done anything with IP addresses nor SSID which still is AREDN
I am stuck, just for test could try hanging a third hAP behind port 5, but to which port on the 3rd? must be port 5 again or?
Obviously as a newbee I am missing something basically.


edited, the DtD problem was solved with a Nightly build, bug in the last stable release.

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