Login problems.
I can log into 3 dishes and 1 rocket.
I cannot log into 3 bullets.
The bullets worked previuosly.
I try http://localnode.local.mesh:8080 on all of them.
The bullets are labeled with that login.
I can ping the bullets, and their lights light up as normal.
How can I fix this problem?
That resource does require root access credentials...root/<password>.
What web browser are you using to view each
and what response is each displaying?
Have you tried to view their default pages by accessing via its IP address?
Are you clearing your web browser's cache between tests?
73, Chuck
Entering http://localnode.local.mesh:8080 into 3 browsers. Results:
Chrome - This site cannot be reached.
Firefox-Hmm. Were having trouble finding this site.
Explorer - Hmmmm Can't reach this page.
Using http://localnode.loclal.mesh/cgi-bin/setup gives same results. gives same results.
Changing PC address to gives same results
Disabling local wireless network gives same results.
I don't know how to clear the browsers cache and I could not find useful info on the web.
Please help with that.
I have not yet seen anything posted that is attempting a 'login'.
Entering 'http://localnode.local.mesh:8080/' into a web browser's 'address text box' is not a 'login'.
That action is a 'resource request' and it seemed to get 'no response'.
Had "http://localnode.loclal.mesh/cgi-bin/setup" been successful,
your web browser would have displayed a 'login' page from the node.
So far, there seems to be no communication between your browser and any node.
Ergo, no 'cannot login' yet.
73, Chuck
Changing IP address from what to
On the other hand, why did you choose a 192.168.0.x network?
According to
after putting an Ubiquiti bullet M device into TFTP mode and loading a *squashfs-factory.bin onto it and it boots,
the bullet will respond on, not
192.168.1.x/24 .vs. 192.168.0.x/24
After the hostname and password are changed, the bullet should reboot and
offer an IP address in a 10.z.y.x/29 range.
Your computer will need a static address during the TFTP load and 1st install configuration,
then it should seek a dynamic address after the 'nodename and password setup' reboot.
73, Chuck
Hi, Bob:
I am unsure which of my questions that was to be an answer.
73, Chuck
Please help with that."
Hi, Bob:
I used my favorite search tool (DuckDuckGo) and found this:
Alas, it is likely for a current Windows OS release and not the rather old W7 you mentioned,
73, Chuck
When you 'ping the bullets',
what IP address is your computer and what IP address is/are the bullets.
What response is displayed when you issue the ping command?
I am not familiar with what the LEDs do.
I use responses from commands to diagnose.
I find that web browsers generally make poor diagnostic tools.
73, Chuck
But now ping fails with ans similar. What should I be using?
and what address should the PC be set?
Hi, Bob:
It depends.
During the install, what was the last successful step and
what was the first unsuccessful step?
Please confirm that the bullet is a 'Bullet M' and not the older 'Bullet' without the 'M' designation.
I have a Bullet M2 XM at home and can try to TFTP load AREDN firmware, tomorrow.
73, Chuck
Hi, Bob:
It seems that you 'copied and pasted' the text in my #5 instead of
hovering your pointer over the line and clicking.
73, Chuck
I'm assuming you are directly connected with a computer to the node. Make sure that the AREDN node is the ONLY network connection (includingWiFi) to your computer. And make sure you have your computer set to be a DHCP client as opposed to using a static IP address. Open a windows command prompt and run an ipconf command. You should end up with something like this:
The listing for Default Gateway is the LAN IP of the node. Point your browser to that address.
connection-specific DNS Suffix ....
Link-Local IPV6 address. fe80::f5ae:8602:2b94:e746%11
Autoconfiguration IPv4 address
Subnet mask
Default gateway. ...
Ethernet adapter local connection
All other network connections are disabled.
That means that the node is not supplying an IP to the computer.
pinging with 32 bytes of data
Reply from Destination host unknown
(4 of those lines)
ping start for
packets sent = 4. received = 4. lost = 0 (0%lost)
As Jim mentioned in #13, try to load its web page via IP address.
73, Chuck
ping start for
packets sent = 4. received = 4. lost = 0 (0%lost)
Then try:
I assume that 'it' is your web browser.
Please, on the next status post, be able to return to the same place
after someone replies.
The result of an 'ipconfig' command might be helpful.
I was able to upgrade my Bullet-M2-XM from to, although it took some trickery.
This is going to sound funny, perhaps basic ... but here goes.
The network cards (ethernet) on my laptops will not let go of a previous ip address until you physically unplug the connection. So if any router was giving the computer an ip address, or if the node on a previous OS was giving the computer a non AREDN ip address ... simply rebooting the node will not reset the network card in the computer. When flashing devices and changing ip from fixed to dynamic, I end up unplugging from the computer then replugging fairly often. Otherwise old network addresses persist and you cannot ping, so you cannot proceed.
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
The first does exactly what you think it does based on the command.
In your computer's command prompt,
enter those commands, then
'copy and paste' the text of the comand and the response
into a post in this forum thread.
I can capture the ipconfig messages on the PC but cannot get them then into a form to transfer to my mac.
What if, on your rocket, you used a command similar to
ipconfig > ipconfig-rocket.txt
(Windows users, if I made typo in my sample, please do not hesitate to correct.)
Perhaps if you identified which bullet you were issuing a command...similar to
ipconfig > ipconfig-bullet1.txt
In other words, please clearly identify which response applies to which device.
If/when you do answer a question, please use the 'Reply' button on the post that contained the question.
73, Chuck
with its ip address.
In #2 and #9
(and #14 by Jim K6CCC)
We asked a question of your computer's IP address.
I cannot find a reply.
73, Chuck
That means it did NOT get a DHCP address.
If your computer displays an IP address in network
it indicates
that your computer did not get an IP address from a DHCP server and
has assigned a generic IP address to this network adapter.
In this thread it indicates that your computer is not 'connected' to the AREDN device.
Thus, you will not be able to
73, Chuck
I do not understand what you mean by 'bullet release'?
Please try to understand what information the Windows 'ipconfig' command returns.
We are seeking an IP addresses obtained from an AREDN node.
If/when you get same, try to access the node's web page using that IP address
instead of http://localnode.local.net .
Mystery node and why I could not log into one of the bullets.
The connector going into one of the bullets is bad. I found if i shove it in hard, the the bullet works and it turns out
to be the mystery node. Now just one of the bullets does notwork. I tried resetting it with no change.
KK4IB has six or more devices on the GA-MESH network with IP cam on one node.
Click 'Failsafe Feature'.
73, Chuck