Hello to All,
My QTH is in the far northwest area of Columbus (across from the State EOC).
I am interested in getting involved with AREDN, however there appear to be no nodes whatsoever in Columbus.
I could set up a node here at the house, but not sure if that would accomplish anything.
Is there anything I might be able to do to get onboard?
A previous job had me at the EOC quite often, but I do not know anybody there any longer.
Not sure if the State has or needs any AREDN equipment.
I am looking to help out in any way necessary.
Any basic guidance would be most appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
John N1CTF
My QTH is in the far northwest area of Columbus (across from the State EOC).
I am interested in getting involved with AREDN, however there appear to be no nodes whatsoever in Columbus.
I could set up a node here at the house, but not sure if that would accomplish anything.
Is there anything I might be able to do to get onboard?
A previous job had me at the EOC quite often, but I do not know anybody there any longer.
Not sure if the State has or needs any AREDN equipment.
I am looking to help out in any way necessary.
Any basic guidance would be most appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
John N1CTF
"Any basic guidance would be most appreciated."
(Franklin and Delaware Counties)
I experienced a loss of public utilities (electricity, water) during storms Ike and Ian.
I decided that being able to communicate and evacuate was paramount.
"I am looking to help out in any way necessary."
I provide a PBX service on our local AREDN network with 2 PSTN lines (dial-in and/or dial-out).
I will call you on your Hamshack Hotline # at a reasonable hour this AM.
73, Chuck
Thank you for your reply. I look forward to speaking. We are on the night shift over here, so I will need to reschedule for later this afternoon. Let me know if that is possible for you.
No problem.
73, Chuck
My family and I are moving to NE OH (think Chardon area) next Spring/Summer If all goes well. There is like no activity in that area according to what I see. I plan on putting up a nice tower 70-90' at some point, and putting AREDN on it. Id love to help get AREDN going more In OH. We have a pretty active group here in Oklahoma. I still have a ton to learn, but count me In. We are even building our own DMR network with AREDN...some of the guys are working on it now. We have a nice telegram channel "OK DMR and Digital" but not limited to Oklahoma to a member. You both are welcome.
What is 'telegram channel' ?
I am working with John N1CTF and intend to assist with his loading AREDN on a Mikrotik hAP lite,
then creating a tunnel link into Southwest Ohio until RF links are built in greater Columbus.
I am willing to do similar for your area.
I have access to a 'supernode'/'cloud node' and can reach services in OKC.
ex. I can reach 'MeshChat-OK' and Paul K5GLH's PBX extensins.
73, Chuck
Its the Telegram App for your phone...we all have a channel on that app called OK DMR and Digital. Paul, Chuck KP4DJT, the whole Oklahoma AREDN crew is pretty much on there for behind the scenes chatting. Yes, Chuck KP4DJT was talking about your supernode...I am tunneled to the KI5VMF Supernode in OKC currently. I think they are planning on having me tunnel to them still once I move as well. We get on VOIP on our mesh 2093 and chat some. I am very new to this stuff, lol...Still a ton to learn. Will enjoy having your help as well. I am hoping to build a nice RF Mesh up in NE Ohio...but it will take a while lol.
Hi, Dan:
SMS is fine for what it is used for, very short messages, but I am not inclined to have conversations using it.
MMS messages, especially with images and documents, are a pain.
I greatly prefer email and email lists as my workstation's monitors are much bigger than my mobile phone's display.
I have set up my PBX to direct dial 20xx to 405-20xx.
I(we) can simply dial 2093 on my(our) IP phones to join the OK MeshPhone Conference service.
My conference extension is 937-1093.
3s, Chuck