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From the notes on the nightly build ... which has become ??

Support for wildcard DNS entries has been added.  This was done to support installing Sandstorm on a local computer.  Sandstorm is an "app support platform" that lets you install and offer out over 70 web-based apps  to your local AREDN community.   It could be an excellent local support tool. [Note that any potential user of the Sandstorm platform will need to have a currently nightly build on their localnode].

I'm curious about Sandstorm.  I asked some local Linux users and none of them had ever heard of it.  If anyone wants to chime in and help explain how to use Sandstorm and give some examples ... that would be great.

I looked online at the live demo and it is pretty weak in the number of apps to look at and no instructions how you actually implement this, or ones that make sense to a Linux newbie like myself.  There are scant YouTube videos as well.  Any help?

I understand that both the service server and the client have to be on the new firmware to try it on mesh.  Does this imply that the packets can fly around the rest of mesh ok when the intermediate nodes aren't on the latest firmware?

Forum worthy?
Hi Chuck,

Yes I've read extensively on the Sandstorm website, tried the online demo, and see all the information you linked. 

Here I started a new thread instead of posting to an old one, and as my only awareness of Sandstorm is because this was mentioned as a reason for some changes to recent firmware, I'll respectfully disagree and say it is forum worthy.  Someone in the development team might illuminate what's new and what's possible.

IMHO AREDN has no purpose if we don't stand up services that work smoothly and are useful. 

I'll wait for some guidance or more information.

w6bi's picture
I got Sandstorm working initially after wildcard DNS support was added to the nightly build.  You can log in here (if you can get to it), but it no longer works properly and I haven't had time to investigate why: http://w6bi-qth-srv.local.mesh:6080/

Orv W6BI
Thanks Orv, I will look at

Thanks Orv, I will look at this when I'm back home and have mesh access.  Please do post as you troubleshoot.  I'm very interested in seeing where this can lead.


PS ... oops.  I need to have supernode access to look at this, correct?  I don't think I'm up to speed on that.

After a few tries, I also
After a few tries, I also have deployed Sandstorm (http://kd4wle-sandstorm.local.mesh:6080/) However didnt gate the email auth to the non ham email world yet. As for apps, There are quite a few, bringing message bords, chats, file sharing and the likes to Sandstorm.

And yes, you may need to have a Supernode in your network to reach Orv or myself.
Need Internet email ??
Hello again ... our local supernode guru had instructions how to use his supernode and it works!

I found three or four instances of Sandstorm including the two referenced.  If I click the link, it asks me to enter my email so it can send a verification code. 

I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but I'm doing AREDN mesh so that I can offer and use services when there is no internet.  Is there a way to configure this so you don't have to have email to get into Sandstorm?  Similar to how FileGator just needs username and password?

Security concerns
Reading more on I see the developers are super focused on security, and do NOT want to make a username/password login as they see that as not secure.  Is there anyone on the dev team for AREDN who could talk with the Sandstorm folks to see if there could be a way to use it without having any internet access?  A special version you can implement with username and password for mesh use?


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