Detailed information and installation instructions can be found here:
Mobile and tablet style fixes
Get list of nodes running meshchat from OLSR vs polling every node
Change from wget-nossl to curl
Added config setting $tmp_upload_dir for USB drives on nodes
Loading spinner on Send button and better send message error handling and notification
I have this installed on a Ubiquity device with the current AREDN beta FW. I also have it installed on a LAN attached Linux-Mint-17.3-Mate desktop PC. It appears the message syncing only goes from the Ubiquiti node to the PC and never from the PC to the node.
Any idea what is going on?
Thanks, Mike
Sure you need to add a published service in OLSR so the node will find it and know it is running meshchat. Login to the AREDN node your linux box is connected to and click Setup -> Port Forwarding, DHCP, and Services. Make sure you have a DHCP reservation for the linux box, then add a service for it like this:
Then your node will query OLSR, see the linux box and that it is running mesh chat and start polling it for messages.
The AREDN node has Meshchat on port 8080 and the PC is on port 80 but each come up fine.
One difference is: On the right side of the Meshchat message screen, the AREDN node only shows itself whereas on the Linux box, I see both the Node as well as the Linux box. (That's the area that shows Call Sign/Node/Last Seen)
Having just picked up a couple of air-routers, I was wondering if this means I can take Meshchat's 2M file limit up by plugging a thumb-drive into the router's usb port? I don't know if 3.16b actually supports the AR's USB drive for storage, but this seems an excellent application.
Do you have any idea if meshchat will work on an hsmm-pi node?
I'll let you know what I find.
I searched thru Meshchat several times to see if I could find the release. I now know that it appears in the browser tab. (I know, I need to roll my eyes up and down once or twice a day. :)
Vance, kc8rgo
Perhaps adding a hashtag to indicate that you want this message sent to APRS.
Although, I think we would need the "room" concept that Trevor has talked about first.
ie. If I'm in Texas, and add have a tunnel to CA... If i created a message in meshchat "EOC is now activated #APRS" , i don't think that should propagate across all meshchat db's like it does today. But, If I were in the "TEXAS" room on meshchat, it would not go to the "CA" room, thus your meshchat node would not send it to your APRS server.
I have a RPI2 running FreePBX which means the PI has Apache2 already running on it.
Can I install Mesh Chat on that without wiping out my PBX install?
The default opening page for FreePBX is /var/www/html/ where you find index.php and that takes you into the GUI.
But I found you can put other files in that directory and just go to them.
I assume adding a directory /meshchat/ with its index file would work too.
I just want to make sure mesh chat install does not wipe out files and directory structure that is there now ..
any pointers for actually doing the install?
You can find install instructions here:
The install was painless and did not destroy the PBX and (in theory) I am ready to chat.
It is running but
If I type a message and press send, I see the green 'message sent' bar appear, but no entries on the time/messate/callsign/node table
Logging onto other people's meshchat pages I "see myself" so something is not quite working right with my install I think.
Just to be clear - it is running on a raspberry pi that is plugged into the LAN port of a mesh node.
It is not running on a Raspberry PI based mesh node.
chown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/www/html/meshchat
OK - now what I type in the new message box now shows up below and on the right.
But the Node information is just plain text, not a link.
And I cannot seeing any "chatter" (including some I created myself at other nodes).
One suggestion I had was to change the host name of my RPI - which I did - to no effect. I still have a situation where the message table has only plain text - no links - and no chat from other nodes is displayed. Nothing is displayed on the status page
Some trouble shooting - if I upload a file it goes onto the PI in the files subdirectory as expected. And it displays a link. But the link has :8080 in the URL (I have advertised only port 80 for the service). If I try to download the file by clicking on the link, it fails. If I manually edit the link, to take out the 8080, then the download from the PI succeeds.
I found this error while inspecting the page
http://ke2n-raspbx.local.mesh/meshchat/peer.min.js Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Info - Apache version on this machine: Apache/2.4.10 (Raspbian)
BTW - clicking logout from the file or status page does not send me back to the login page. (a minor point at this stage)
I did an install on a ubiquiti node for comparison. I noticed that the web server there is spitting everything out on port 8080 (which I guess is the base case for mesh)
My Apache for the PBX is set up for port 80 and in fact is putting out the opening page of mesh chat on port 80 ( actually no explicit port number appears)
could that be causing a problem?
I changed the default port on the Pi to 8080 and now the file download works (for files I uploaded - I still cannot see anyone else).
K5DLQ ... at the moment every mesh chat instance will sync with every other instance. Right!? Are there plans to make groups, or is it just going to be a big chat?
Sending a message to a local server requires a passcode, sending traffic into/receiving packets from the internet req a passcode. Im thinking a basic aprs message server can send packets to a local server or the local Mesh chat instance will need to handle a return message. A beacon could be assembled from the lat and long.
here is how the xastir server port works.
and a few docs on the proto call.
Add support for "hashtag actions". When a hashtag is present in a message like #APRS, meshchat would look that up in a action config file. Hash tags could transcend the "rooms" or "channels" we are going to add. So you could post to a certain room/channel and add a hashtag whenever you want. This would be only supported on raspberry pi / linux since we don't want to over burden the AREDN nodes. You can create a hashtag message from any node, but only a non-AREDN node can call an action script. You would only configure the action config on probably 1 node in your mesh so that it does not go out on APRS twice, etc.
Action config file:
# Action Script Description
APRS /usr/local/bin/aprs APRS gateway for SF area
SMS /usr/local/bin/sms SMS gateway
ipcam-snapshot /usr/local/bin/ipcam-snapshot Record snapshot from IP camera and save it to meshchat file area
When that node gets a message with the hashtag in it, that script would be called and passed in a param that would be a path to a file like this:
/usr/local/bin/aprs /tmp/meshchat/actions/82fab0
That file would be the message from the message db in tab delimited format. Better than trying to escape all the stuff in a message into all command params. Then as we extend the message db we can add to the end of the line and keep compatibility to existing scripts. That script then can do whatever you want, send to APRS, WinLink, send a SMS, etc. Then you could even use and add a SMS gateway into meshchat etc. You could extend it however you like by writing a script. We could have a library of scripts that people contribute to do all kinds of stuff. We would list all the configured hashtag actions on the status page from all nodes on the mesh. Pi A handles SMS and APRS, Pi B handles Winlink, etc but all those would be listed on the status page on all meshchat nodes so you would know what is available. Probably would have a log on the status page showing messages that had a hashtag and if they were processed, by which node, and the outcome from the script.
The APRS script will need to have an aprs call sign and passcode to pass messages to the aprs server via udp. As long as you think you can Handel passing the message DB from non aprs enables mesh chat instances to another.
I hope to see a group chat tab so I dont even have to add a hash tag to a message. instead a list were I can add aprs callsigns to includ in the chat. Used to identify incoming messages when a phone# or aprs-4 chats back. Wow I didnt even think of SMS gateways! Would mesh chat relay a messages from another aprs station or phone# to the other stations on the list?
I dont know about the capabilities of other aprs servers, Ive only used xastir ever. I can provide my RPI aprs server for testing I use vnc to monitor the UI. I can client into a tunnel on the next closest node.
Group chat is in the works.
I could use some help, I dont think I will be able to work it into Mesh chat. Is the source code on Github?
I understand keeping the script on the on my RPI running xastir. So think of it this way! KJ6dzb-4 is my rpi running xastir, the Mesh node running mesh chat is kk6izs-1500mlk-1-omni.local.mesh, the script has to have its own call sign kj6dzb-5 and passcode. Say I send a message to "#kj6glr-4 TEST TEST 1234" while logged onto kk6izs as kj6dzb, meshchat communicates with the script, the script sends: from kj6dzb-5 to kj6dzb-4 for RF transmission to kj6glr-4 with a message like the following "MeshChat from KJ6DZB : TEST TEST 1234" the message is from kj6dzb, kk6izs-1500mlk-1-omni sent the message to kj6dzb-5 to generated the aprs packet. So kj6glr-4 wants to send a message back to kj6dzb well the packet came from kj6dzb-5! If kj6glr-4 simply responds to the message it goes back to kj6dzb-5. The script has will pass ALL and any message sent to kj6dzb-5 and communicate with its mesh chat node. The script would need part of the functionality of meshchat and not just scrip it to send messages and receive messages, It will need to log them into its message DB directly. When Chat groups happen the it would be thought full to add a subscribe api action for an aprs message, subscribe to a group, and start receiving messages from the group.
With messages coming from synced DB and one could be assigned to a chat group it will not matter that the message was sent my kj6dzb via kk6izs-1500mlk-1-omni , The message would come back from kj6glr-4 and returns to kj6dzb-4 and the message is entered into the data base as coming from kj6glr-4, for his subscribed chat group if applicable.
With the channels and hashtags you will able to configure the actions to call a script for all messages in meshchat, or all messages on a channel, a hashtag on any channel, or a hashtag from a specific channel. More details to come.