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Mikrotik SXTsq Lite 5 install problems

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Mikrotik SXTsq Lite 5 install problems
I was able to use the Tiny PXE Server to load the "rb.elf" file and bring the node to the first "NOCALL" state. I then immediately installed the version system upgrade per the instructions in the AREDN documentation.

The message on the web browser indicated that the firmware was being updated and that the node would automatically reload in 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the node reloaded, but did not come back to the Mesh Node Administrative Console screen.

When typing "localnode:8080" into the browser, the node appears to try to access the Mesh Node Administrative Console screen. The screen briefly indicates "Redirecting to status page", then the message indicates that the site can't be reached. 

Viewing the Windows Local Area Connection (Network and Internet>Network Connections), the icon indicates "Identifying..." but never resolves to assign a network connection. Occasionally, the lights flash on the node, the icon briefly indicates that the cable is "disconnected," then begins the "Identifying..." process all over again. 

Why can't I access the node's console? I have two SXTsq Lite 5 nodes and both exhibit the same behavior. 

nc8q's picture
Mikrotik SXTsq Lite 5 install problems

Hi, Mark:

Are these new Mikrotik devices?
The recent 'News' update on this site's home page may help:


Nightly Build Status 21 Sep 2023

Since the last AREDN software production release, there have been a number of nightly builds, some of which contain significant enhancements. As usual, the AREDN devs would appreciate some helping testing the updates. Here's a list of the most significant ones.

If you're planning on buying a new Mikrotik device, you'll need to install a recent nightly build on it. Mikrotik has changed their code's compression algorithm, and the AREDN code has been modified to accommodate it and allow successful software installations.

I recommend trying to load the current nightly or the last 'stable' build.

73, Chuck

Mikrotik SXTsq Lite 5 install problems

Yes, these are brand new devices. I just saw the announcement on the AREDN home page this morning, so I'll give that a try this evening.

Many thanks!

Mikrotik SXTsq Lite 5 install problems


I successfully installed the Nightly Build but the symptoms remained essentially the same.

If I remove power, then try to restart the node by applying power, the node never boots up. The only way to bring the node to an operational state is to press and hold the reset button for about 30 seconds. Holding the button that long doesn't reset the node settings (i.e., it doesn't go back to the typical "NOCALL" configuration). Instead it causes the node to come back to the "programmed" name and services (callsign, channel, etc.). 

This is worrisome. If the node were located in a hard-to-reach location, the only way to reset it would be to physically access the reset button. 

Any suggestions?




nc8q's picture
Mikrotik SXTsq Lite 5 install problems
Hi, Mark:

I suggest that you start over using a current Nightly rb.elf (*kernel.bin), then the *sysupgrade.bin and
(preemptively) another post with your Download Support Data attached.

73, Chuck

Mikrotik SXTsq Lite 5 install problems

I reinstalled the current Nightly Build and downloaded the support data file. Please see attached.

>>Note: I had to change the file extension from "gz" to "tgz" to get it to upload as a support file attachment.


Mikrotik SXTsq Lite 5 install problems

Just to follow up on this (and to clarify my understanding on how to report install problems since I'm new to this):

My last message included the file generated when I clicked on "Download Support Data". I attached that file using the "Support File Attachments" link as part of my response to the message thread. 

Are the support data files automatically sent to a place where the code developers are made aware of the problem? Do I need to post the support data file in another location or report the problem in another manner? 


nc8q's picture
Reporting problems or issues
Hi, Mark:

"Are the support data files automatically sent to a place where the code developers are made aware of the problem?"
"Do I need to post the support data file in another location or report the problem in another manner? "
I also recommend loading the current Stable or the most recent Nightly Build.

73, Chuck
I have the same problem. Can
I have the same problem. 
Can anyone help me choose the right firmware? 
I installed stable ver and nighbuild but the effect is the same.
 My device is SXTsq Lite5, RBSXTsq5nD fcc id: TV7LHGNDM.
WU2S's picture
Try this
this firmware does not work
this firmware does not work properly with my hardware, night build also.
nc8q's picture
firmware does not work properly
Please describe in more detail "firmware does not work properly".
What is the firmware doing that it should not be doing?
What is the firmware not doing that it should be doing?
What is the exact error message?
What operating system and what browser is active on your installing workstation?
What is the IP address of your installing workstation immediately before and after the errors occur?
Does your device respond to PINGs?
What IP addresses do/do-not respond to PINGs?

73, Chuck


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