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meshchat not working on

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meshchat not working on
meshchat 2.8 wouldn't load on a hAP lite or a NSM2 running the new  meshchat 2.7 loaded but didn't work.  Anyone else having issues?  Could be a PEBKAC error :)
k1ky's picture
meshchat not working on

Works for me on HAP units.  Not recommended on the 32MB devices, may be very unstable.  Make sure that you are loading the .ipk that is not the API version unless that is the node that is paired with a dedicated server unit like a RPi.

I have MeshChat working now
I have MeshChat working now on several devices running

After the firmware upgrade, the package stops working.  I had to re-install it as if it was never there.  When installed and linked it appears with the wrong advertised name, then I had to delete the advertised service, then re-establish it with the correct name.  Once all this is done then it is back and links correctly to other devices advertising the same MeshChat name.  However, the message history doesn't reload on the newly re-installed instance.  Oh well, it's not like email where there needs to be archived history.

Hope that made sense.  BTW, I need to put out a big thank you to the developers. seems to be working well on the devices I've installed it on.  And I just recently noticed on the site under the Docs tab, the docs and installation procedures listed are specific to each version of the firmware on the drop down list.  Nice.  Wish I had paid attention to this earlier :-)

k1ky's picture
Working Now
Yes, each new upgrade or install wipes away any installed packages - MeshChat, IperfSpeed, etc.  Most of the time the advertised service remains, but every once in a while you may need to add it back.  As for the sync not working, they usually link back up unless you have a broken path to the system.  Give it a little time, look at the Status List to see if the other nodes are there and that they are updating in the Last Sync column.
K6CCC's picture
Yes, each new upgrade or

Yes, each new upgrade or install wipes away any installed packages - MeshChat, IperfSpeed, etc. 

One of the major reason in favor of running MeshChat on an external RasPi...

My experience so far with
My experience so far with several different devices is that the message history does not return to the device I've updated and re-applied MeshChat on.  The device does immediately start syncing with other nodes (it shows up on sync) and new messages do populate properly.  This may have something to do with the update made so that broken MeshChat installations dump corrupted data when it is re-installed?  I remember having serious issues with a corrupted MeshChat a while ago and then someone figured out how to fix it.

Understood re putting MeshChat on a LAN connected device instead of the AREDN device itself.  I may get around to this sooner or later. 

So is this a bug to report?

I checked again on one of my updated nodes.  The node is running and I had to again upload MeshChat after the update.  I've uploaded MeshChat 2.8 Lua to the node after the firmware update.  Once I rename the service to the correct name (which has perhaps a hundred or more messages on other instances on our mesh) no old messages load.  The sync shows it is checking in with all the other nodes running MeshChat.  Any new messages I post go to the other nodes fine.  When I click the "Download Messages" button I get an error message rather than a file to save.


PS ... added info

I went to one of the nodes not grabbing the entire database and did a bunch of fooling around with it.  I logged in, and no old messages were there.  I then went to the .... add services tab, reset the values ... no change.  Saved Changes, no change.  THEN I once again rebooted the node and the old messages appeared.  It's very picky but is working correctly now.

MeshChat API version?
What is the recommended version of API to install on the nodes if MeshChat is running on the LAN side of a node?  I have MeshChat running on Raspberry Pi's to give me multi-GB file drop capacity.  I've loaded version 2.0 but my MeshChat servers aren't syncing.  I've seen version 2.8 on Github but don't have a ready method to compile it.  
No need to compile anything. 

No need to compile anything.  Download the IPK package file and install it on your node.
Link here:

Thanks for the reassurance that I was actually looking in the right place.  I found the download icon, which I seem to always have trouble finding on Github.

Once I got the 2.8 API loaded, the two MeshChat servers quickly sync'ed up.


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