I need some directions on flashing this unit. I searched on Aredn and could only find general info on other GL-iNet hardware. I downloaded the system firmware, but when I try to download the factory 1st flash firmware, it takes me to a blank page! Not sure if that was done on purpose as it is not needed, but after trying to upgrade the node via the upgrade tab using the system upgrade file, in the web based interface, it does complete the upload, the display changes to "upgrading" but gets stuck there and never goes any further for over an hour. At this point if you try to connect via you still cannot access the Aredn page. Even using a static ip on my laptop.
I also tried to install using Uboot by holding down the reset button and starting the node which does get me into the Uboot menu. Again, it accepts the Aredn system firmware, gets to 100% but again just sits there with no change on the display after an hour, and trying to pull an IP via the node, gets me nowhere after waiting an hour. Using a static IP of will sometimes allow the nick to find a network but again no status page.
I have no problem re-flashing the GL-iNet firmware to restore it back to factory using UBoot (no web interface as it seems to be neither factory or Arden at this point) and it does work with the original factory firmware.
Arden claims to support this hardware, but I need some help getting there. There is no explanation as to why you cannot download the 1st flash factory firmware even though it gives you a link for both the FACTORY and the SYSTEM files. On the main download page and searching for "E750 gets me to the correct firmware but when you right click on the "Factory" link, the link is for "aredn-" but its nowhere to be found on the site or archives. I can find 2 previous "SYSTEM" versions but no "FACTORY" files.
The GL-iNet devices come loaded with a version of OpenWRT from the factory, so a simple sysupgrade is all that is needed.
The AREDN® sysupgrade.bin file is what I downloaded, (the only file you can download for this device) does not work as the tenitive new node never does the upgrade. In my experience with flashing new nodes, it has never gone over 20-25 minutes at the worse. This node has repeatedly sat for more than an hour each method I attempted. I even removed the T-Mobile sim card and re-attempted the AREDN® sysupgrade.bin file with no joy.
I had noticed that in the "Supported Hardware List" on Aredn, that it says the following: Model SKUs Band Target Subtarget Image RAM Stability Status
You, likely, must have an existing GL-Inet firmware or existing AREDN firmware already running on the device
to 'sysupgrade' to AREDN firmware.
Try reinstalling GL-iNet factory firmware from Uboot procedure.
My best guess.
73, Chuck
None of the other GL-iNet devices have a 'factory' file.
73, Chuck
Here are the 2 files I was going to use directly from Aredn downloader:
FACTORY: http://downloads.arednmesh.org/releases/3/23/
SYSUPGRADE: http://downloads.arednmesh.org/releases/3/23/
The "FACTORY" link took me to a dead page, and no file.
The "SYSUPGRADE" link gave me the file above.
First, I booted the E750 out of the box into its factory admin interface. Entered a new password, and proceeded to the "UPGRADE" tab. Clicked on the local tab, selected the only file I was able to download from Aredn, the "SYSUPGRADE" file. The browser changed to a upload page and showed the progress of the upgrade. Once it got to 100% the display stopped, I noticed on the E750 the display show "SYSTEM UPGRADING". The display / browser never changed for over an hour. I opened a new browser window and tried to access the new Aredn "NOCALL" page, but nothing. Then set a static IP of '' but again no success. This was after an hour of waiting for the upgrade to finish.
Next, I did a reset on the E750, shut it off, and then held the reset button in, and pressed and held the "ON" button. This got me into GL-iNET UBOOT window. Again, I selected the "SYSUPGRADE" file I downloaded earlier, and again, it showed the progress of the upgrade. Once it got to 100% I left it sit for over an hour with no indication of anything going on in the E750. After the hour, attempted to access with both a DHCP setting and a static IP on my Windows 11 Laptop, but again, was not able to access the "NOCALL" browser page.
Now interesting point, each time I attempted the Aredn firmware, the E750 appeared to be "bricked" as I could not access the "NOCALL" page on, nor the original GL-iNET page at I was able to shut it off, hold the reset button and the "ON" button at the same time and get into the UBOOT method (as per GL-iNET) and flash it back to GL-iNET firmware without any issues.
Any other suggestions or Ideas?
Be sure to uncheck the Keep Settings checkbox, since GL.iNet settings are incompatible with AREDN® firmware.
Very aware of the "Keep Setting" box and each time I ran the flash, I made sure to uncheck the box. Sorry, I didn't include that in my write ups.
Was able to finally flash the E750 with the Aredn “sysupgrade” file. Seems the original one I downloaded was probably corrupt. I downloaded a second copy and that one allowed me to at least get to the “NOCALL” screen! {screenshot attached}
Now the fun starts:
1. On the “NOCALL” screen at the very top in highlight, it says: “!!!! UNSUPPORTED DEVICE !!!!” IN BRIGHT FLORESCENT ORANGE.
2. If you click on the box with the “UNSUPPORTED DEVICE” I get node data that I have attached a copy of.
3. From here I click on “Setup” and I get a new page with “BAD GATEWAY”
I have attached the screenshots of each page including the status page when I click on "UNSUPPORTED DEVICE"
Any idea what is going on and how to fix it?
It gets stuck in booting, after the update.
Maybe they have changed something in the router.
No, I gave up and flashed it back to GL.iNet factory firmware, not happy with Aredn for costing me $150 when they report it as a supported device and after you purchase it, you find out they really don't.
I understand that Aredn is a fully volunteer organization, but they need to do a better job and get everyone at Aredn on the same page with what they report to users. Seems that technical support or development is not informing anyone else in the company of changes, and this is one of those examples....it's listed as a fully supported device, yet once you flash the firmware do you find out it's not a supported device. AREDN, SHAME ON YOU.
But, this problem seems to be throughout Aredn. Take the latest firmware (along with the last 2-3 upgrades), where the RF IP address changes on reboots, as does the Tunnel Server IP scheme change "willy nilly" on its own on a reboot, effectively "breaking the node" and its links. Or like the node name, as per documentation you can have 64 characters in the name, but they did NOT mention that if your running tunnels.Aredn now says, "its got to be 22 characters or under". Not true, our testing shows even at 20 characters, you have a 50/50 chance your tunnels not working, unless they are 19 characters or less.
Opened a ticket on GitHub, and its the same problem, nobody is home at Aredn. Not even a post back, or an update now and then to tell us there working on it. I come to find out Aredn knew about these problems but failed to fix them in the last 3 firmware versions, so we keep getting buggy firmware. It appears some of these issues don't happen if your truly only on RF connections, but not EVERYONE is lucky enough to live on a flat plain with no mountains, tall buildings, valley's to interfere with or prevent an RF connection.
Guess you might think I'm a little upset at Aredn for their lack of RESPONSIBILITY............. Yes, These issues are currently affecting 70+ nodes here, and on a personal note, cost me $150 to find out they don't put out corrected documents with the latest supported devices, and worst yet, they don't warn us about current problems or issues and just keep putting out features that don't completely work correctly, or break things that used to work flawlessly.
Try using http://localnode.local.mesh instead of searching the IP. Sometimes my computer is weird about finding the IP but I've always found it when searching the address.
Another Avenue to try is if you get to the initial loading page, to go to "setup" and then your "advanced config" and scroll to firmware, then allow for "dangerous upgrade." Flip that switch, save, and then load the SYSUPGRADE. But with the nightly builds.
Not sure if this will work, but it looks like you've exhausted everything else.
Has anyone gotten this device working? It looks like a great fit for an application I'm working on.
'Current' firmware for the E750 is advertised as stability:unknown.
I have a GL.iNet GL-AR750 in service and it performs very well.
RE: these, it, current sysupgrade, this
Exactly which device do you have and exactly which firmware did you use for the sysupgrade?
73, Chuck
I tried both the current stable release: aredn-
and the current nightly build: aredn-20231018-d6f6c4b-ath79-nand-glinet_gl-e750-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin and got the same result of it being stuck at the System Updating stage.