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Denver Metro Activity

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Denver Metro Activity
Is there any activity in the denver area? Recently?
I am also curious about this.
I am also curious about this. Im interested in building a node if there are others out there to connect to. Also what kind of range might be expected with something like a Powerbeam? I see most of the nodes are south of downtown so im wondering if id be able to reach them.
WU2S's picture
Powerbeam range
The information from Andre K6AH suggests that a very long range is possible with these devices. Very long meaning 50 miles or more.
See his presentation at and download his Device Selection Speadsheet.
N0KMO's picture

There is activity in the state it slow and starting to grow some.  There are node through out the metro area that are going up.  Along with one or 2 in Parker CO.  Please reach out if you are still interested in linking up with a few others.


Fort Collins Node(s)

Hey all,

I will be setting up at least 2 nodes in Fort Collins over the next week or so.

Anyone else within a 25 mile radius interested in experimentation and operation?

N0RTB (Rik)

Slightly more activity
I have added my MikroTik QRT5 and hAP ac lite to the map, just south of DU by University and Dartmouth. The QRT5 shows up on MeshMap as a 2.4G node but it is a 5G radio. I installed the tunnel package on my hAP router but my ISP doesn't allow port forwarding so I can't set up as a server.

I bought the QRT5 while in Simi Valley CA for a couple of months over the holidays. AREDN is very active there, and I was on RF only. There is a weekly TeamTalk net, lots of cameras, weather stations, winlink post office, mesh chat, etc., so I'm glad I got to experience what AREDN is all about and learned a lot, especially from Orv Beach, a Simi Valley resident and AREDN guru.

Sadly, it is a different story here, but this kit is easily made mobile so if anyone has a desire to work the 5G space give me a shout.
KF0MJB, Mike
KF0JOS's picture
Denver, isn't there quite yet
I'm just now getting this going, I'll see if I can get this up and running next few weekends. At least if I get mine up there will be a node on the west side, there is one north and south west. I'm setting up a 2.4G node to start. Hope we have a bit more interest here. Anyone in the Denver Radio Club?



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