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Status of AREDN in Houston?

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Status of AREDN in Houston?

I just set up a testing lab of sorts with two TP Link CPE210's. I'm pretty pleased with the ease of deployment as far as I've seen, but there's nobody around me to actually form a mesh with. None of the other hams in my area seem interested, and the state of this subforum isn't encouraging either. I just figured I'd post a topic to see if anyone comes out of the woodwork.

N5MXI's picture
I feel your pain from lack of interest
Hi Samuel,
I tried to stir up AREDN interest in Corpus Christi and had the same luck as you are having it seems. I'm on the Global Tunnel but have no local connections on a mesh.
Same boat. I'm in Texas City
Same boat. I'm in Texas City and did some calculations using radio mobile to get to Corpus Christi but apart from using out of spec Technologies and bands I don't see a way for me to connect anything down here. I think the tunnels are cool and I work with the mikrotiks every day at work so I'm a big fan there. I would love to network with some folks. I'm on the Gulf Coast DMR Network here in Texas City on the main talk group. I can also be reached by cell 501-944-7356
I'm still messing around with
I'm still messing around with AREDN and am open to tunneling with other folks on the Gulf Coast. I did a presentation at my local club in December of 2022 and there didn't seem to be a lot of interest. I asked a guy who hosts a AX.25 BBS in Montgomery County about it and he said they did have a mesh going up in Conroe at one point. Said it worked really well except the equipment wasn't designed for the climate of the Gulf Coast. They had some dishes on towers, but couldn't go up to maintain the equipment themselves for jurisdiction reasons. Things would break and they'd have to wait for a climber from whatever agency had the authority to do it. Anything we put up would have to be maintained regularly.

I have to wonder if that's why the most active mesh is in Southern California, as the climate is much milder with cooler temps and far less rain and humidity.

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