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Nightly build for hAP AC2

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Nightly build for hAP AC2

I recently upgraded my hAP Lite to the hAP AC2 so I could take advantage of the 1 gbs ports. As such, I flashed it with the most
recent nightly build (2096-fce9629 ) but kept the same hostname in order to minimize the hassle to my tunnel clients.

Except now, sometimes my hAP shows on the meshmap and sometimes it doesn't. When it does show, it doesn't show any of
the tunnel links and those tunneled don't show on the map either (this part seems obvious).

It was suggested that reusing the same hostname with a new MAC address is the issue or it might be a bug. Hence, here I am!

w6bi's picture
Duplicate entries
If you're talking about the map software that KG6WXC wrote (which I think they're using in your area), it doesn't deal with duplicate hostnames well.   Contact your map admin and have him delete the older entry.

Orv W6BI
That's been done and still a

That's been done and still a no go. Also, I use the AP in the hAP to connect to the mesh. I've noticed that if the AC2 starts up (either cold start or via a reboot), if the WAN connection is made to my internet router, the hAP never seems to fully initialize and the SSID is never broadcast. If I pull the WAN connection, then it initializes and the AP becomes active just fine

w6bi's picture
Recommend posting those symptoms (plus a Support Data file) to AREDN's github as an Issue.
Posted to GitHub
Posted to GitHub
kj6dzb's picture
I have noticed, Ive needed to

I have noticed, a need to hot power cycle the device.... 

k1ky's picture
New upgrade modules for KG6WXC Mesh Map?
I believe that Eric is working on some updated modules for his map program and is looking for some testers.
Just loaded the brand new
Just loaded the brand new nightly build and no improvement, on either the meshmap or not booting with WAN connection made

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