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Need help with flashing Ubiquiti NanoStation M2 (XM)

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Need help with flashing Ubiquiti NanoStation M2 (XM)
I tried following the instructions for flashing AREDN on my Ubiquiti Nanostation M2 (XM version) and I wasn't able to do it. I'm trying to do this on Windows 10 with the built in tftp client. The device is currently running airOS v6.3.6 (XM). When I got to the transferring the binary file part I get a "Connect request failed" error. I held the reset button and got the 1-3, 2-4 flashing pattern, and was able to ping it while in flashing mode, but it won't accept the file. I also tried older versions of the AREDN firmware. From what I can tell in the settings I have a Ubiquiti 802.11n device, so that's the instructions I followed. Can you guys direct me to what I might be doing wrong?

Alex Kinch

did you turn off an AV
did you turn off an AV scanners and firewall stuff?  Im getting back into this and need to flash a M5 myself.   This is what I'm going to follow again.  I was able to flash some microteks
Hope this helps.. I'm not a pro (yet). smiley

I don't have antivirus on my
I don't have antivirus on my computer just the Windows built-in one, but I can try to turn that off. I feel like that's not the issue, but I'll try. I was able to flash a Mikrotik about a week ago, but I'm new at the Ubiquiti process. I'll take a look at the video too to see if I'm missing a step.
I checked Windows Defender
I checked Windows Defender and it didn't detect the bin file as a virus and didn't delete it or anything. I tried the flashing process again on my Fedora machine and to my surprise it worked! I don't why it wouldn't on Windows but I have it figured out now.
yeah, did you try another
yeah, did you try another ethernet cable on the fedora box (assume the same cable was used)?  Maybe when you ran the tool it needed to run as admin on the windows box?  Agreed, strange, but at least its loaded.  

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