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Identical named nodes for redundancy?

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Identical named nodes for redundancy?
I know identical names for nodes is bad, but could this be used for redundancy? For example if you were running exact identical services on two separate nodes would this act like a round robin or redundancy if a node were to go down? I have not done this, which is why I am asking, but I have been thinking of simplistic ways to maintain services in an emergency or fault tolerance without being heavily technical. 
K6CCC's picture
Likely would not go well.
I don't know specifically, but I can see that causing OLSR to go nuts.  Every time a node announced itself, the IP would be different.
Generally systems that are doing something like that have to be designed to do it so it does not drive the system crazy.
Thank you, K6CCC,
Thank you, K6CCC,

That was a concern. I guess the simplest solution for redundancy would be to mirror the content on another node and just name it something like (just examples) "N3WTT backup node" or "N3WTT-2." 

Thank you for answering.

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