On a Rocket M5 (m-xw) flashed with v. when I try to Save Changes the operation is completed, but coming back to Setup/Port Forwarding, DHCP and Services after a few minutes, the Links disappear and the services are no more active. I tried several times to activate the links with no success.
Any idea on how to solve the issue? Any comment/help will be very appreciated. Attached 2 screenshots.
73 de Leo I3RKE/AC2OG.
This was a change a while ago to reduce the number of advertised services that don't really exist (a lot of them, BTW).
There was a fix in the Nightlies for cameras (and other devices) that do not repond well to PINGs and
other tests to check if they are 'active'.
Try the current nightly, 1865, and in AdvancedConfiguration->WAN Settings, enable
Provide default route to LAN devices even when WAN access is disabled.
Or regress to
I hope this helps, Chuck
thanks! Your suggestion "enable Provide default route to LAN devices even when WAN access is disabled." solved the issue with iperfspeed, not with Wanscam IP Camera.
I'll check in the Nightlies.
73, Leo
Reference: Saving of Advertised Services.docx
Hi, Leo:
73, Chuck
First of all, keep in mind that I am operating remotely.
73, Leo
Hi, Leo:
I was assuming that the camera could be changed from port:99 to port:80 by setup with administrator privilege.
"Could the issue be related to the memory of the Rocket? "
I think not.
I think the camera's 'Advertised Services' link is being de-activated by new feature in and nightlies.
after having enabled in the Advanced Configuration the three options:
The issue seems to be solved. The node is keeping the links so far since 3 hours ago.
Thanks for your support.
73, Leo
noted! Thanks
73, Leo