I expected to find the AREDN software I had loaded last year on this SXTsq Lite2, but found what appears to be Mikrotik router ver 6.45.9 (long term). Screen capture attached. I'm wondering how should I go about loading the current AREDN sw? Thanks.
I expected to find the AREDN software I had loaded last year on this SXTsq Lite2, but found what appears to be Mikrotik router ver 6.45.9 (long term). Screen capture attached. I'm wondering how should I go about loading the current AREDN sw? Thanks.
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Solution is install AREDN from scratch - as if a new install.
Well until it booted as a hot spot / router.I did try a factory install and that did not work.
The unit had worked as an AREDN node.
It's providing DHCP, so I can access it.Then it was off-line for a few months.
Getting ready for the Marine Corps Marathon network testing and
I decided to put it back on-line and update software.
A similar unit updated without a problem.
So, I plugged it in and the router software came up.
I tried to load the latest AREDN factory build software and that failed.
Thanks for the help.
Also don't understand why the STXsq Lite2 is displaying router software.
Would it help to reload the MikroTik software?
10:09:21 AM ROOT=C:\Users\dcmcc\Documents\AREDN stuff\Miktotik\PXE Server\files\
10:09:21 AM DHCPd started...
10:09:21 AM TFPTd started...
10:09:21 AM HTTPd:80 started...
10:11:10 AM DHCPd:REQUEST received, MAC:08-55-31-4C-62-AE, XID:F99CC3E0
10:11:10 AM DHCPd:ACK sent, IP:, XID:F99CC3E0
10:11:10 AM TFTPd:DoReadFile:rb.elf B:1452 T:0
10:11:10 AM TFTPd:DoReadFile:rb.elf B:512 T:0
10:11:10 AM TFTPd:DoReadFile:rb.elf B:512 T:0
And the router software is still present. No AREDN upload.
Ah. The device already had the address and offered DHCP ao I assigned my PC the static IP the device (now a router) had already allocated.
The "10:11:10 AM TFTPd:DoReadFile:rb.elf B:1452 T:0" entries keep scrolling several time a second (with appropriate time stamps) until I hit the PXE Offline button.
I don't know where the address came from as shown in "AM DHCPd:ACK sent, IP:, XID:F99CC3E0"
I checked my static settings and they are for "88".
I changed the device address to and will try again to upload the AREDN sw.
Router is gone. AREDN is up.
Much appreciated.
It has NEVER failed. As the instructions suggest, putting a dumb SWITCH (NOT A ROUTER) between the PC and the Mikrotik device is a good idea. BTW, that has nothing to do with the Mikrotik device, but rather for your computer - it keeps the LAN port active while the Mikrotik is rebooting.