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I just wanted to take a moment to say "THANK YOU" to the folks on the Development Team and the users who have assisted with my questions over the last few months.  I am meshing with South Yavapai County, Arizona ARES/RACES near Congress, AZ as a winter Arizonan and as a group we have had some great successes.

Winter 2014-15  we were able to mesh with a five mile limit IP using cameras and IP phones, with many moments of frustration and some success.

This winter we have gained a much better understanding of the hardware, software and environment.  We have been able to mesh IP devices over 10 miles (and know we can go further), established Tunnel Client and Tunnel Server, operated VLANs and DTD merging of mesh networks.  When I have not stepped on my own third leg, it has been a lot of fun.

I will be bringing all this "education" back to Michigan's Upper Peninsula for deployment there later this spring.

Again, a BIG THANK YOU to the folks who have consulted and assisted!


K5DLQ's picture
Thanks for the note!  Glad to
Thanks for the note!  Glad to help and see you successful!

BTW: Go Red Wings! 
K6AH's picture
Nice to see you succeed, Vance.  Hey... the tougher the battle, the sweeter the victory!


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