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LQM Question

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KV3T's picture
LQM Question
After a detailed read through of the manual for the current version.  The following sentence stuck out to me:

"LQM never negatively affects bandwidth, but the positive effect can be very large."

I'm therefore curious why it is turned off by default.  It seems like this initial release is the only time there is an opportunity to automatically opt people in.  In future releases, turning it on could override an intentional user setting.

I'm sure this was discussed, I'm just curious why this was the result.  I'm sure many users leave the defaults as they are.  There must be some edge case where it can cause problems, and I'm just curious what that would be, as it may relate to my deployment.  From the documentation, there doesn't seem to be any downsides.

Thanks for all of the hard work, and even more so the fantastic documentation.  I know that is as much a challenge as anything else on an open source project.
w6bi's picture

Because LQM, while it was extensively tested, was a fairly new part of the AREDN software, the decision was made by the dev team to leave it off in the production release.   It'll be enabled by default in the next nightly build.

Some "gotchas" - the default minimum SNR is 15; quite a few links in my area fall a few dB below that.   Just enabling it with no change in default config would have cut them off from the network (these are network access points I'm referring to). 

There's also a minimum quality, and really crummy links might get cut off by not meeting that criteria.  But maybe that'll be incentive for folks to upgrade their link hardware :-)

Orv W6BI

KV3T's picture
Thanks for the clarification.
Thanks for the clarification.

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