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AREDN Banner for Field Day Display

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AREDN Banner for Field Day Display

I'm going to be doing an AREDN display for my club's Field Day event on June 25-26.  I would like to have an AREDN banner for the display. Can anyone tell me how I can get an AREDN banner that is maybe 6' x 3'. I tried looking at the AREDN store but it's currently down (it says it's moving to a new site) and I'm not sure something like a banner would be in the store anyway.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

John, KM6ZJT


KJ6WEG's picture

I've ordered banners/signs for our club events from in the past (2017, yikes)... they had good prices, reasonable quality and good turnaround time.  You'll want to get a high res image for any logo(s) you want to include, and then use their online design tool to create and submit your sign.  
Good luck, -Chris KJ6WEG

Thanks very much. I really
Thanks very much. I really appreciate the lead and the quick reply. Could you let me know where I can get the high res image?  Is it something I can download from the AREDN website or do I need to request it from someone?
K5DLQ's picture
email and
email and inquire about using the logo and banner first....

Thanks, I'll do that.

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