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Go back to Pahros on CPE 510

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Go back to Pahros on CPE 510

I have 3 CPE510 that were flashed with AREDN to use as portable nodes.  I have a new project that I need to revert back to pharos and I am having trouble to do so.  Does someone knows of a way of doing it.  I have tried the TP link recovery function with tftp64 and it did not worked.  Tried to do so using the AREDN instructions and did not work.  After turning the cpe510 with the reset button pressed it only resets the aredn firmware to default but does not pull the recovery.bin file with the ftftp program.  Anyone has any ideas as to how I can achieve this.

Thank you,

Go to TP-LINK community forum

Go to TP-LINK community forum and search for "recovery."

If you are doing this on a
If you are doing this on a Windows machine make sure to have a switch between the CPE510 and your computer. If you do not have a switch its difficult to get it to work every time. I prefer to use linux when I recover my devices.

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