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Hi I am new to AREDN I have not ever used it before and am looking to see if it will work for my group. Can it link to a normal smartphone and use plug and play apps? Can Meshtastic link through it when Meshtastic nodes are out of range of eachother but within the arden net? Can a system be pre built and given to a team with limited training and have it self boot and mesh without an IT expert? I also need mobile vehicle based nodes? Can you link it to the regular internet? How does that function? Sorry for the long post I have watched several videos and am trying to understand better. It is also slightly time sensitive.

WU2S's picture
Getting Started
Hello Mitchell and welcome to the AREDN community.
Be sure and check out our docs:  
It's a great place to start!

Some brief answers:
1. Smartphone apps for VoIP are commonly used. Some example apps are Linphone and Zoiper. See the Telephone sub_forum.
2. Don't know anything about Meshtastic.
3. System pre-built and mesh automatically? Yes - absolutely. Again read our docvs. That is what AREDN is inteded to do.
4. Vehicle nodes? Yes - you can run most devices from a 12 VDC battery.
5. Internet access? Yes - again, see the docs.
6. Features and functions are described in our online documentation.

Randy WU2s

nc8q's picture
am looking to see if it will work for my group.

"am looking to see if it will work for my group. "
Hi, Mitchel:
What do you want to do?
"Can it link to a normal smartphone and use plug and play apps?:
Devices with AREDN firmware can be configured as A Wi-Fi AP, then a cell phone can connect via Wi-Fi.
There are 'plug and play apps' usually referred to as 'modules' or 'packages'.
Mobile phone apps do not run on AREDN devices.
I never heard of 'Meshtastic'. Please provide a URL.
"Can a system be ... given to a team with limited training and have it self boot and mesh without an IT expert?"
+1 with Randy's comments.  Yes! Read the documentation here at
"I also need mobile vehicle based nodes?"
+1 with Randy's comments. Warning: May not work well with vehicles 'in motion'! Let's think 'portable' service.
"Can you link it to the regular internet?"
Yes, but what service do you want that needs internet access?
" It is also slightly time sensitive."
Today is wet, cold, and windy, thus unsuitable for golf.
Send me an email and maybe we can chat on the phone.

"I have watched several videos"
Uh oh, there was some recent discussion about folks reading/watching old, stale, out-dated, obsolete videos.
Please read the documentation here.

73, Chuck nc8q



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