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meshchat on the latest nightly build status

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k6dlc's picture
meshchat on the latest nightly build status
  With the latest nightly build and installing meshchat  1.02 seems to be not working. Does anyone have an updated version of meshchat for the lated nightly build? 
New MeshChat described in online docs

The latest nightly builds (NB1042 or newer) have retired the Perl programming language.  There is a new version of MeshChat with descriptions and download links shown in the latest online documentation here:

K5DLQ's picture
This is a good reminder that

This is a good reminder that Perl is NO LONGER installed on the nodes.  Any software that was written in Perl will no longer work (without being ported to Lua).
Meshchat HAS been ported by Tim KN6PLV.
iPerfSpeed HAS been ported by Tim KN6PLV.

KN6PLV's picture
On Github
AA7AU's picture
Version# ?

Perhaps the re-engineering of the MeshChat package to run under an entirely different language would have occasioned some sort of an increment, at some level, of the new version release#!

I hate to be picky, <rhetorical> but what else is a version number for.... other than to label/alert a *change* in the package.</rhetorical>

- Don - AA7AU (who was professionally programming since1970)

ps: does COBOL still run on the current architecture?

K6AH's picture
Poor configuration management
Yep, we missed this.  It's a new package for us to modify and support (orig written by Trevor, K7FPV) and it'll get fixed in the next few days.  As a PMP and ITIL certified project manager I should have caught it.

Andre, K6AH

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