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Rocket dish RD-5G30 verses M5airmax

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Rocket dish RD-5G30 verses M5airmax
I have two Rocket Dish RD-5G30 with out radio The radio apears to be $81.00 on amazon and befor i buy the radio would i be any better just getting the Ubiquity PBE-M5-400-iso power beam @ $150.00 ea 


would one be better than the other  P2P   7 mile path?

when installing Power Beams on a tower, one north one east one west  on a rohn 25   can you put one on each leg or stack two directly above each other a foot apart with out interference?  what is recomended spacing?
nc8q's picture
Ubiquity PBE-M5-400-iso power beam @ $150.00 ea

You mentioned cost, so I did a cost comparison.
Ubiquity PBE-M5-400-iso power beam @ $150.00 ea  26 dBm, 25.0 dBi = 51   dB
Mikrotik LHG-5 ..........................................$75              25 dBm, 24.5 dBi = 49.5 dB
Mikrotik LHG-HP5......................................$95              28 dBm, 24.5 dBi = 52.5 dB
Mikrotik LHG-HP5-XL................................$110            28  dBm, 27.0 dBi = 55    dB

I have 1 Ubiquiti M5 PBE and several Mikrotik LHGs in use.
The Mikrotik LHGs are lighter and easier to install and aim.

Install 2 nodes "with out interference?"

My tests indicate that, as long as the channel/bandwidth does not overlap, there is no interference.
If same site channel/bandwidth overlaps, there is interference...a reduction in throughput.
Vertical separation is best.

I hope this helps,

k1ky's picture
I really like the Mikrotik LHG series products for MESH usage at non-commercial sites. The processor and network performance seem to be quite a bit better,  The advantage for the UBNT Powerbeam series is that they are "Carrier Grade" Commercial quality construction capable of taking a beating from the elements, which only makes sense due to the difference of materials: Metal vs Plastic.  The ISO versions of the UBNT devices also offer more side rejection from nearby devices.
k1ky's picture
RocketDish 30 is very big
Another thing to consider about the RocketDish 30 is that it is pretty large and will offer a pretty sizable wind load, You may wish to save it for a long-haul connection mounted on a very stable structure.

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