hello this is John, KD9QDL of auburn indiana and I am wondering if i can run aredn on a raspberry Pi 4. If possible could you direct me where i can download thye programming.
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While you could load the OLSR routing daemon that AREDN uses onto an RPI, which would make it appear as a node, there are no facilities to move any wireless radio available for an RPI into the ham radio bands.
Orv W6BI
Bruce, W1BAW did a Raspberry Pi version found on github that I used on BBHN several years ago and with a few changes it may work with AREDN but don't expect to much. It did work better than the Linksys and it also had a tunneling page that I first ran my network with about 5 or 6 nodes.
having a capable compute device on the OLSR Mesh network for vehicles, field days servers, wireless cams, weather stations, high altitude balloon and etc would be of valuable use. I do not know about others asking about this but for me I am only interested in having OLSR network connectivity on the Pi.
The attached image (in PDF) shows a portable stand-alone GL-USB-150 setup I made a few years ago. It worked nicely.
The GL-USB-150 could connect to a nearby (yes, not far!) AREDN node and the RPI-Zero-W could be connected by normal (part 95) WiFi like from a laptop. Connections from the mesh or from (Part 95) WiFi would both have access to the RPI-Zero-W (and mesh) which I installed Apache web server and had some pretty web pages on it. And the Part 95 side as usual was secured and required a passphrase to get in.
I've since re-purposed the GL-USB-150 and used it for a Geiger counter (https://mightyohm.com/blog/products/geiger-counter/). :)
- Mike