I just received a new GL.inet usb150. Flashed it with latest firmware. I can see is in my wifi networks as meshnode2 but cannot access it to set it up.
Any help would be great.
David AJ4PM
Any help would be great.
David AJ4PM
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By default, AREDN flashed devices broadcast in 'ad hoc' mode on the network, not as an Access Point (AP).
(Client mode devices do not broadcast.)
To 'connect' with a default AREDN device you must be LAN connected or accessing it from another RF/DtD connected AREDN device.
By default, it is not an Access Point (AP), thus a Wi-Fi 'client' cannot access.
The USB150 should appear on your host computer as a [new] ethernet device, perhaps eth1.
If the host computer is already connected via eth0 or wlan0 (home network, wired or wireless),
access to the USB150 may not function as expected.
Please rephrase "Flashed it with latest firmware." to "Flashed it with aredn-" if true;
else what did you flash onto the device?
Tell us about your host computer Windows, Mac, Linux and how, exactly, you are attempting to access/view the web pages on your USB150.
Web browser: Location/address: -> http://localnode.local.mesh ?
or other?
I hope this helps,
There was a previous thread: https://www.arednmesh.org/content/bricked-gl-usb-ar150
Seems the GL.inet USB 150 can keep stale settings through flashing, and needs a reset to behave.
After setup and reboot, the AP mode will disappear and be in mesh mode only.