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Tunnel Request

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Tunnel Request

I'm looking for a tunnel to connect my hAP ac Lite to.  Would like to get some ideas on services others use in real time to get club members in my area(Southeast Texas) interested.  I also have 2 GL-AR150's with one having a camera as a service. 

Jeff S
nc8q's picture
Houston area AREDN
The AREDN Map, here, shows some nodes with tunnel installed around Conroe.

I hope this helps,

Thanks Chuck,
Thanks Chuck,

But if I'm reading the map right last time any from Conroe/Houston area was up is around 2019.
WU2S's picture
Montgomery County
There are a number on active mesh networkers in Montgomery County regardless of whether they appear on the map. Check with members of the county ARES group.
nc8q's picture
The AREDN site MAP is not a LIVE map.
Hi, Jeff:

The information on the map was updated when
the node had internet access via its WAN and
someone with administrative rights clicked 'Upload data to AREDN Servers'.
There could be more recent information that was not updated.
There could be active nodes that were never uploaded to the Map Server.

3s, Chuck
K5DLQ's picture
Yes.  The Montgomery county

Yes.  The Montgomery county nodes are still active.  (and the tunnel connections are all local)

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