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NanoBridge M5 WAN traffic not routing to the LAN

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N6GKJ's picture
NanoBridge M5 WAN traffic not routing to the LAN

Hello guys,
I have an NBM5 that I just loaded with (that was a chore in itself). I have this plugged in a 5 port Netgear switch configured with VLAN ports. 
The first thing I noticed is DHCP on WAN port did not work. I then put in a static IP and found that I could not ping my gateway from the LAN.

I tested my switch and VLAN system by plugging in a Bullet M2, I was able to ping the WAN Gateway.

I am pretty sure that this is an XM board based on what I was able to see in the 6.14 UBNT code.

So my question is, does the VLAN assignments on the NanoBridge work the same as the Bullet M2?

I can plug the NBM5 right into my main network switch and cannot get an IP or ping from a static IP.
When I go into Administration and look for a package to install I get an error that tells me I have no connection to the internet.

I am thinking I have some configuration set wrong:

Here is my settings for the LAN
Protocol - DHCP
DNS 1  -
DNS 2 -

Allow others to use my WAN = Checked
Prevent LAN users from accessing my WAN = UnChecked

MESH RF is enabled
DHCP Server is enabled

Any tips or clues would be a great help!


K5DLQ's picture
Can you post pics of your
Can you post pics of your VLAN configuration in your switch?
nc8q's picture
I have this plugged in a 5

I have this plugged in a 5 port Netgear switch configured with VLAN ports.

Which Netgear switch?
How configured?
Like this?

I tested my switch and VLAN system by plugging in a Bullet M2, I was able to ping the WAN Gateway.
Same port as you tried the NanoBridge M5?

So my question is, does the VLAN assignments on the NanoBridge work the same as the Bullet M2?
It should.

I can plug the NBM5 right into my main network switch and cannot get an IP or ping from a static IP.
I think you need a properly programmed VLAN switch. A NB-M5 does not have a WAN port(VLAN1)...only LAN and DtD(VLAN2).

Allow others to use my WAN = Checked
This is not default. Do you need this enabled?

I hope this helps, Chuck

K5DLQ's picture
did you get it figured out
did you get it figured out with your switch settings?

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