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Upgrade issue with ath79 nightly filename

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K6CCC's picture
Upgrade issue with ath79 nightly filename

Upgraded my 13 nodes from Nightly 599 to Nightly 607 this morning and had an issue with my Rocket XM nodes.  Here is the Nightly 607 files I downloaded, and the error message that I got trying to use the Rocket XM file:

In case your browser does not embed the graphic, it can be see directly at:

In every download version that I have on disk (dozens), on the ar71x versions, all the spacers in the file name are hyphens (example: aredn-, but the only ath79 file that I need has an underscore between ubnt and rocket. That has always worked.  Looking at the current ath79 download page on the AREDN website, all the ath79 files have the underscore after the manufacturer. Note that the error message shown above shows that the filename should have the hyphen. I changed the filename to a hyphen, and successfully updated a Rocket M3 XM and a Rocket M5 XM to nightly 607.  I have now updated four more Rocket XM nodes to Nighty 607.
Either the software was not checking for it, or it was expecting the underscore. Apparently, 599 is now looking for a hyphen in that position.  All of these nodes has previously updated from 571 to 599 - so this appears to be new with 599.

k1ky's picture
Nightly 607 from N-599

Yes, I encountered same while upgrading an AirRouter.  It did successfully upgrade after I verified that I had the proper file and told it to "ignore" the warning.  AREDN Development has has been notified.  Changing the filenames to reflect the "-" instead of the "_" did the trick.

K5DLQ's picture
this looks like a bug that
this looks like a bug that was introduced in the "sanity-check" for the filename a few commits ago.
K6CCC's picture
Good bet...  
Good bet...
K6CCC's picture
Upgraded from 607 to 622, and
Upgraded from 607 to 622, and same problem.  Had to change the underscore to a hyphen.
Hi, author of the breaking
Hi, author of the breaking change here!
I believe I've fixed the check to match the ath79 filenames in, it should land in a nightly build very soon.
Please let me know if you still have problems.

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