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Mesh Chat not syncing?

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KM6SLF's picture
Mesh Chat not syncing?
Good afternoon everyone,

I'm having a one-way sync issue with Mesh Chat. If my nodes are visible to you on the mesh, you can see the status screen at http://km6slfmc.local.mesh/meshchat/status.html

Messages made on my MC seem to propagate, but my MC server doesn't download messages from other MC servers in the same zone. 

My network path to the meshchat server is as follows:

hAP connects to my home internet through ethernet, and to an AR750, which is also connected to the internet. I have a tunnel connection that connects me to other nodes in the region.

the hAP is connected to a switch which connects to several mini-PCs that host a variety of mesh services, one of which is Mesh Chat.

Any hep would be greatly appreciated.
KM6SLF's picture
All quick tests show up when
All quick tests show up when viewed from KJ6PFW's MC server. 
  Time Message Call Sign Channel Node
12:26 PM
MC Test from KM6SLF MC KM6SLF Testing km6slfmc
12:25 PM
MC test from KJ6PFW KM6SLF Testing kj6pfw-raspi-4
12:25 PM
MC Test from Roger's MC KM6SLF Testing we6acs-prd

Not all messages have yet synced, after around 4 minutes, to the WE6ACS meshchat server Time Message Call Sign Channel Node
12:26 PM
MC Test from KM6SLF MC KM6SLF Testing km6slfmc
12:25 PM
MC Test from Roger's MC KM6SLF Testing we6acs-prd

No external tests made it to my MC server. Time Message Call Sign Channel Node
12:26 PM
MC Test from KM6SLF MC KM6SLF Testing km6slfmc

On the Status screen, my MC server does not show any recent syncs.
K6CCC's picture
MeshChat api needed
If you did a firmware update on the mesh node that the external MeshChat is connected to, you need to reinstall the MeshChat api on that mesh node.
That is the exact symptoms that you will get if the MeshChat api is not installed on the node.
Every time you do a firmware update, the api gets blown away.
KM6SLF's picture
Thanks! I'm wanting to update
Thanks! I'm wanting to update to the recent nightly build anyway, so I'll do it after that.
K6CCC's picture
I have a dozen nodes to deal
I have a dozen nodes to deal with so I have a cheater list so I remember what added packages get installed where....
km6zpo's picture
Inbound OK, Outbound not working
Glad you guys brought this up!  My node is having an issue as well.  I am having the exact opposite problem.  Mine is receiving but not sending.

In can see my node is syncing by the status link:

And status page:

But when I look at the status page of other nodes, I'm not seeing my meshchat node in there.  For example:

So then I thought, maybe there's something wrong with the meshchat API in the hap lite.  I removed the package from the hap lite, disabled my tunnels, reinstalled the package, rebooted, verified that the package was reinstalled and then turned the tunnels back on.  For good measure, I rebooted the raspberry PI on which the MeshChat program is installed.  Nope.  Same issue.

So then I thought hmmm.... MeshChat node name is "km6zpo-pi.local.mesh".  All the other meshchat nodes don't included the ".local.mesh" part.  So I used raspi-cofig to change the hostname to just km6zpo-pi and rebooted it.   That didn't seem to do anything.

I know my MeshChat node can "see" other MeshChat nodes.  For example, I pinged km6slfmc.local.mesh from the PI command line and I get a response.  So logically speaking I should see my messages on node http://km6slfmc.local.mesh/meshchat/status.html -  but there are none.

What could cause this one-way sync issue?

I'm attaching an explanation

I'm attaching an explanation of how meshchatsync works.  Hopefully that will help to troubleshoot what's going on with your Raspberry Pi implementation.

File Attachment: 
km6zpo's picture
Attempting the nuclear option....
I don't know what's going on the the MeshChat node so I'm going to try the nuclear option.... I'm starting over with a new Pi.
Localnode shows RPi syncing, messages received, but no outgoing
changed PrivateTmp=false
updated permissions - ​chmod 0666 /tmp/meshchat/lock

Meschat running from the pi says that it is syncing with the other nodes in the zone; messages from other nodes appear, but other zones do not show syncing w/ Rpi and do not see messages from the RPi. Running fresh version of bullseye.

thx in advance! 
Localnode shows RPi syncing, messages received, but no outgoing
API is running on localnode; advertised port 80.

Localnode shows RPi syncing, ... - RESOLVED
Renamed to a new zone then renamed back - no idea why this fixed it!
Time delay before sync?

I had to rebuild one of the two Raspberry Pi-hosted MeshChat servers on our mseh subnet.  After doing all of the installation and modifications mentioned in the various threads, I couldn't get the two servers to sync with each other.  

Frustrated, I gave up.  Later that day, I started to debug the issue and found that the servers were sync'ing with each other without any additional intervention on my part.  So I suspect there may need to be some sort of time delay before servers in the same zone start to sync, even if they are properly configured.

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