Im new to AREDN and in a location where I cannot reach any existing nodes. Anyone have the capacity to provide a tunnel connection?
I'm in Southeastern Massachusetts.
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Apologies if this sounds strident but: Having a "permanent" tunnel misses the point of building out an Emergency network. This has been discussed here many times in the past, but let me state my personal opinion.
[opinion] IMO, except for very temporary start-up ops, I would argue strongly against any use of, or reliance on, "tunnels" except in the case of 1) individual emergencies (as appropriate); 2) limited appropriate community-support events; and/or 3) proper control operator functions limited to a temporary single end-point connection. Remote mesh islands (big or small) should NOT BE connected by tunnels to other non-local RF mesh.
With all that said, a tunnel is a fantastic [temporary] tool for remote control operator support functions on a case-by-case basis. I install one on every remote node which has another network "back door", just in case. Thanks to those who implemented this feature, I just wish it wasn't sometimes seen as a way to generally tie remote bits together when RF doesn't do the job. [/opinion]
- Don - AA7AU
A tunnel can be an amazing jump start as well. When trying to drum up interest some may not be as excited only seeing one or two nodes the first time but if used correctly it can showcase what the project has the potential of. But I strongly agree that a permenent tunnel on a RF network is not ideal.
Hi Charles,
You might contact Denis, KD1HA, for connectivity. He is in RI just south of the Mass line.
73, Mark, N2MH
MeshPhone: 973-2111
I have him connected to Willis KB1JFG who is also my tunnel client and he is good to go! You should see him on our network.