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KE2N's picture
Latest IperfSpeed

Trying to load IperfSpeed onto my new WBS210 i found that the packages mentioned in the forum for iperfspeed 3.5 and 3.7 don't work,  From what i can tell, the iperf binary is there but it is missing the web interface.  I think this used to be a separate package but is no longer on the package servers for the latest AREDN releases.  If you are just upgrading an existing install, I suppose it will work. But not for a new install. 

In the forum I found "iperfspeed_0.5.1_all.ipk" and installed that. That seems to install what is missing.



Iperfspeed is a 3rd party app

Iperfspeed is a third party app created by Trevor K7FPV, so it's not in the standard AREDN repository.  It's a web frontend for the standard iperf3 package which is available in the standard AREDN repository.  Trevor has a website here, and a GitHub site for IperfSpeed here, and his pre-built package (ipk file) is available for download here.  The AREDN online docs have a How To section specifically for iperf here.

The correct location for your node to download the iperf3 package itself will vary based on your firmware version.  Here is a link to the explanation on the AREDN GitHub site:

If for some reason you want to install the iperf3 package individually, the package location depends on the firmware version you are running.  If you run a Stable Release then the correct package will be located in the "releases" tree (examples):  

- /releases/3/21/ 
- /releases/3/20/ 
- /releases/3/19/ 
- /releases/3/18/ 
- /releases/3/17/ 

If you are running a Nightly Build, then the correct package version will be in the "snapshots" tree (example):  

- /snapshots/trunk/packages/mips_24kc/base/iperf3_3.7-1AREDN_mips_24kc.ipk 

I have an old NanoStation M5

I have an old NanoStation M5 (XM) and have been starting at square one. I've successfully loaded the AREDN firmware on the node. I found IperfSpeed but have absolutely no idea where iperf3 can be downloaded in the necessary ipk file format. Where is the iperf3 ipk file located?  

Note: I was only able to install AREDN firmware All builds past this version (for some reason) caused problems accessing the LAN port connection. Perhaps it's related to using the old XM version. 

nc8q's picture
Where is the iperf3 ipk file located?

Where is the iperf3 ipk file located?

Setup -> Administration->Download Package [] [Refresh] (click 'Refresh')
Scroll down to 'Download Package' (again).
Click down-arrow by [Select Package ]
Click 'iperf3 3.7-1AREDN'
Click [Download]

I hope this helps, Chuck


Thanks for the information. I guess I'll have to configure the nodes to gain access to the internet in order to perform this upgrade. I was hoping to just download a file and upload it (locally) from my laptop. 

k1ky's picture
IPERF Files to KE2N
Ken, I emailed the setup files to you with instructions. For those of you on the SouthMesh network, these files are available in our TNMESHChat files section. Others can contact me direct if needed.  There are 2 files needed: iperf3_3.5-1AREDN_mips_24kc.ipk and iperfspeed_0.5.1_all.ipk

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