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Bringing AREDN to Central Oregon

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Bringing AREDN to Central Oregon
Hi guys,

We have a growing community of hams here in Central Oregon that are itching to get HamWAN going in our area!  Currently, I'm thinking that AREDN is going to be the best option for us here given everything that we might want or need to do with it.   Some of that includes linking our repeater sites via mesh, providing Internet (or private networking) at our repeater sites, remote control, etc, in addition to a potential MetroWAN via mesh.  The possibilities are positively intriguing!!

Anyway, we're looking for some advice and suggestions on what to put together and how to link in to the wider community for things like DMR repeater linking and so on!!!

We are looking to do a workshop in the fall with presentations and an actual attempt to program and mesh the participants.

Anyone interested in helping out with that effort and possibly being a guest presenter at our workshop???

Thanks and 7  3
Jeff Moore  --  KE7ACY
High Desert Amateur Radio Group
PO Box 723
Bend, Oregon 97709
541-771-7341 (cell - leave msg)
K5DLQ's picture
Congrats!   By the HamWAN is

Congrats!   By the HamWAN is a different project than AREDN.   I *think* that you are using that term in a generic sense though.   (just making sure).

Now, for "Darryl's Patented BIG-3 Tips":
- Start with 5Ghz and/or 3Ghz
- Only use MIMO devices
- Co-locate multiple nodes at a site via DTDLinking and use different channels for each node.

(ok, not patented but still good!)

73, K5DLQ - Darryl

Using HamWAN in the generic sense
Hi Darryl,

Thanks for the tips - I'm looking hard at using 3 GHz for site linking, backbone use, and so on.  And 2.4 and 5 GHz for one to many.
I assume you meant to say MIMO.
The co-locate idea is something I've been considering for backbone (one to one with one to many co-located),  but I'm not familiar with the DTDLinking you mentioned!

And yes, I am using HamWAN in the generic sense.  I realize that it is it's own flavor of networking, however, given the much greater diversity and flexibility with the AREDN version - that is most likely what we will ultimately implement unless we find a compelling reason to use one of the other techniques.

To that end,  How do we link into the valley??   I'm thinking along the lines of using backbone links at Mt. Bachelor or Mt. Hood to bring in AREDN to the local area and then running it up and down the Highway 97 corridor.   Linking our repeater sites together is another idea we are tossing around - we currently use a combination of UHF (440 and 220 MHz) to link our repeater network together.  Going to mesh at 3 GHz point to point linking would open up the capabilities of our system.  We also would like to bring in our own DMR/digital voice repeater(s) which requires VOIP linking.

If anyone sees any issues with what I'm proposing, by all means, speak up, especially if you have a better suggestion!!  I need all the info/suggestions I can get at this point.

Thanks and keep them coming!!

7  3
Jeff Moore  --  KE7ACY

Central Oregon AREDN update
Greetings ALL,

As of yesterday, we have 3 nodes tunneled in our area with a link to the valley.  We also are awaiting delivery of 6 400mm M5 Powerbeams.  One of the nodes just North of Bend is awaiting sector antennas and a 50 ft crank-up tower.  We'll have an active rf-based mesh by the end of the year.

I'm personally looking for suggestions on setting up an off-grid portable node that is solar-powered.  Any suggestions for power are greatly appreciated.

7     3
Jeff Moore  --  KE7ACY
Bend, Oregon


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