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Raspberry Pi as web server to your AREDN node

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wa2ise's picture
Raspberry Pi as web server to your AREDN node

Using a Raspberry Pi as a web server on your AREDN node
Description at my web page

Once you have it set up, advertise it on your node. 

K6CCC's picture
Enable VNC and SSH
One thing you did not mention (and I highly recommend).  Enable VNC and SSH and then you can remotely access the Pi and never need the keyboard, mouse, or monitor.  That makes it easy to bury the Pi someplace convenient.  Mine is in my garage data cabinet.  VNC and SSH are built in, and only need to be enabled.

wa2ise's picture
I added a section about
I added a section about enabling SSH.  As this is the lite OS, I didn't do the VNC. 
I run apache2, MariaDB (MySQL

I run apache2, MariaDB (MySQL), Allstar and Echolink on my Pi3's no problem.
(and of course, sshd, ntp and some other Linux standards <g>)

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