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Ultra-compact Battery "Box"

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kc8ufv's picture
Ultra-compact Battery "Box"
I needed to get another power supply for my nodes for an upcoming event. I've got a yard trimmer that takes 20V Li-Ion batteries. Also, had an extra charger that was bad for those batteries (I've got a couple spare batteries), so decided to take my spare POE switch and one of the batteries to make a seperate battery box. All I did was harvest 2 contacts and the bottom half of the shell from the bad charger, checked the power pins with a DMM to double check polarity, and wire those to the power connector on the switch. This perticular switch had a couple spare pins next to the coaxial connector. The white plastic on there is Shapelock, which I used mostly as a glue to hold it together. 

First two links are to pics of the completed unit.

This is the switch I used in this project:
Clever idea
Chrissy, that's a clever idea for reusing things you have around the shack.  Kudos!
kc8ufv's picture
Thanks. And it's also got the
Thanks. And it's also got the benefit of no conversion loss.

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