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TFTP connect request failed

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TFTP connect request failed

I tried to find a topic on this issue but failed so I need to ask.
  I'm trying to load AREDN software into a M5 rocket XW. I write tftp -i put downloads\aredn- into the command prompt and it seems to take but comes back "Connect Request Failed"
The node is flashing red/yellow and appears in the tftp mode.
Network setting is


n0kfb's picture
I would try the following:
I would try the following:

1) at the command prompt, go to the directory where the file you wish to load to the Ubiquiti device is located and try again.

2) If that doesn't work, make sure your firewall is turned off.

Please keep us posted.

--Dan Meyer

Firewall off but no
Firewall off but no connection.
KD1HA's picture
Also connect the computer and
Also connect the computer and node through a simple Ethernet switch (dumb switch) so that the switch can maintain the computer’s network link while the node is being rebooted.
I put a dumb switch  between
I put a dumb switch  between the computer and node but no help
KD1HA's picture
The only thing I can thing of

The only thing I can think of then is the is the file in the correct directory? tftp -i put  C:/ aredn- and are you sure that the M5 is a XW and not a XM? 

You need a full path name to the download directory for tftp
I wrote up a more detailed set of instructions for the Windows tftp procedure in this post:

My example uses the previous AREDN firmware version downloaded to the user "desktop" file location. Note the full path name to the filename is specified including the drive letter prompt and username.
To make this easier, you may want to edit the command in notepad and save to a sticky note, then paste into your CMD window. You can copy the filename and path by right clicking the firmware file and viewing properties once it is on your desktop.
Good luck!
73, Brett

 I checked the version and it
 I checked the version and it is XW. When I tried load the latest AREDN firmware, it kept flashing in tftp mode. The flashing lights never changed and the cmd prompt said no connection. I then tried to load an earlier version. When I did that, the tftp lights stopped flashing and the green light on the left was steady, the green light next to it was flasjing, the next was red light on steady the next light not on, the next green light on steady and the last light not on. It stayed this way for maybe 4 minutes then the cmd prompt opened a new search and a few seconds later the node went back to tftp mode. The cmd did not say anything happened.
 I've never had a problem programming . Another xw I had from a maybe 2 years ago was on nightly build and I just updated it to the newest version with no problem.
Goes to show the problem is
Goes to show the problem is often between the back of the chair and the computer board. I had been putting the node into tftp before plugging it into the switch. When I plugged the computer into the switch first, then the lan poe and then set the node into tftp, it went smooth as glass.. Duh. Thanks everyone for the response.
Private and Public Firewall Settings for tftp--Both need checks

Yesterday, I was using Windows tftp firmware procedure (using cmd window) on five PowerBeam M5-400 XW units purchased used.
No problems installing AREDN on 4/5 units, but the fifth, newest one running AirOS 6.3.0 would not load the firmware.

I had the same issues as comment 8 above. The node lights stopped flashing, then eventually returned back to the alternating pattern of tftp mode.
I reviewed my procedures exactly, and made sure the device wasn't damaged by opening the Ubiquiti AirOS homepage, setting country as United States, checked EULA, verified chipset as XW, firmware. I will add that lately, the Chrome browser will warn you not open this "unsafe" page. You must give permission. I even updated the AirOS firmware to the latest version 6.3.2; it worked fine, the device was functioning. I was able to SSH into the node to verify the u-boot, too. I rebooted the device, PC, replugged all network cables, even set a new adapter address as suggested by Ubiquiti firmware recovery.
I tried again, trying both the nightly build and the older AREDN firmware. No joy;  tftp timed out. Connection was refused.
Why? The PBE400 was in the proper tftp mode. I could ping the unit on 
 I tried the tftp2 application, and got the same result, it said server was unreachable after 3 tries. Node returned to tftp flashing state.
Finally, on the Windows network settings, I noticed that this network connection was showing as an unidentified Public network.
I rechecked the Firewall exceptions and found tftp was allowed only on private networks, not public (in Win7 Pro, there are two separate checkboxes).
A simple checkmark was added in the public network column under firewall exceptions. Success! The firmware loaded perfectly by tftp.

A final note is that I see network security warnings when the PC network adapter is set to obtain address automatically and joins a new network.
So after the AREDN first boot setup, you enter the Callsign and new Passwords; the node reboots, then it moves to the new 10.X.X.X address space.
New Network!
Windows wants to know if this is a Private, Work, or Public network. (This window may be hiding behind the browser). I usually choose work, not public.
Check those firewall settings for applications running on public networks.
73, Brett

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