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LAN versus Wifi on HAP Lite

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LAN versus Wifi on HAP Lite
Hi All

As I've previously posted, I've got my HAP Lite connected to my home router via a LAN port with no issues - all seems to be working fine. I can connect to the Wifi side of the Lite and access my local Mesh network (I'm tunneling in).

What of the other 3 (currently) unused LAN Ports? Are they in the LIte's subnet or my home router's?
K6CCC's picture
Is your home LAN connected to
Is your home LAN connected to the hAP via the hAP's WAN port (port 1) or via one of it's LAN ports (ports 2 - 4)?  Since you said you are using a tunnel (which requires port 1 on the hAP), I am going to assume that you have your home LAN connected to the hAP port 1.
Ports 2 - 4 are on the same LAN as the hAP's WiFi.  Whatever you put there will be connected to the AREDN mesh.  Assuming you have the hAP set for the default LAN addressing mode, the hAP will function as a DHCP server, and therefore assign 10.x.x.x addresses to devices connected to port 2 - 4 or connected via WiFi (if the hAP is configured to operate a WiFi access point on either 2.4 or 5 GHz).  Some things that you may want to put there are:  IP phone, a PC or Raspberry Pi, IP camera, etc.  Any of those will be directly accessible from the AREDN mesh.
So just to clarify, Ports 2
So just to clarify, Ports 2 -4 will be on the mesh side of things and not internet (home LAN), correct?

I ask because I'm setting up an Allstar node on my existing Raspberry Pi IRLP one and want to keep IRLP on the internet (which it currently does via WiFi to my home's router) but Allstar (via the hardwired LAN port) is to be on the Mesh only.

nc8q's picture
Mesh only?

"is to be on the Mesh only."

So, you are considering moving your Raspberry Pi from being LAN connected to you home router
to being LAN connected to your hAP.
You already have a port forward in your home router so that other IRLPs can link with your IRLP.
(or is IRLP a client/server service?)
If you have a port forward in your home router for IRLP, you will need to also forward that port in the hAP.

You want to add another service on the Raspberry PI; Allstar.
Is Allstar a client-server or peer-to-peer?
If peer-to-peer;
Without a port forward in both the hAP and the home router, the internet cannot reach your Allstar.
Else if client/server, the Allstar is not 'Mesh only'.

Maybe separate Raspberry Pis would be a solution.

I hope this helps,

K6CCC's picture
Correct on the first line.
Correct on the first line.

I think I understand your completely run together sentence for paragraph 2.  As I read it, you will have one RasPi that will have both IRLP and Allstar on it.  You want the IRLP to be on the Internet by way of your home WiFi.  The Allstar node should be only on the mesh by way of a wired LAN connection from the RasPi to a LAN port (ports 2 - 4) the hAP.  If that is correct, as long as the routing tables in the Pi, and the two applications understand that separation, you should be good to go..
Roger that (I have a habit of

Roger that (I have a habit of turning a novella into War & Peace  surprise)

Thanks for the confirmation - you have my plans exactly correct. (now to figure out the hAP routing!)

K6CCC's picture
Should not have to do
Should not have to do anything with the hAP routing.  The Pi is where you will need to make sure the IRLP and Allstar nodes know where to go.
Roger that
Roger that
Well.. the only way I see to
Well.. the only way I see to do what I need is to use static IPs on each interface. That's no problem on the IRLP side but local experts on AREDN tell me I need to keep the mesh side DHCP....
nc8q's picture
is to use static IPs on each interface
" I see to do what I need is to use static IPs on each interface." Do you mean 'each interface' (eth0/wlan0) on the Raspberry Pi? Does IRLP use client/server or peer-to-peer connections? If your IRLP is a client, the routing will determine which interface it will use. Else if peer-to-peer, you will need to port forward the peer-to-peer port. The same for Allstar. Is it client/server or peer-to-peer? So far, I see no need for either IRLP or Allstar to have a static address. Chuck
K6CCC's picture
I assume you mean the address
I assume you mean the address of the wired interface on the Pi.  Yea, leave it as a DHCP client, but give it a DHCP reservation in the hAP.  That way it will always get the same IP from the hAP.

That's what I figured, thanks

That's what I figured, thanks.

Guess I'm still missing a piece to the puzzle however. As both eth0 and wlan0 are active, I'm trying to wrap my head around how either can be told to use one and not the other...

K6CCC's picture
That you will need to find
That you will need to find someone who know Linux far better than me to work that one out.
Thanks for the input. The
Thanks for the input. The problem child appears to be IRLP, which has one daemon that keeps grabbing the wrong network interface no matter what I try. Obviously something I need to take up with them...
What ip
What ip is the IRLP node grabbing? It is connected to your home WiFi,correct? Are you running a vpn client on it?
Well hiya Keith

Well hiya Keith

Here's the thing. IRLP has a daemon (mynetd) that is used to detect incoming calls and requires Port 15425 be forwarded through one's router (in my case, the router that connects to my internet modem, not the hAP). I have the Wifi interface (wlan0) in the Pi set to use that router (192.168.x.x. subnet).

In a nutshell, Port 15425 is forwarded within the 192.168.x.x subnet but for some reason, that IRLP daemon is grabbing the IP assigned to the LAN port (10.150.x.x subnet and connected to the hAP) IF that LAN connection (eth0) is active. If not connected, the daemon grabs the wlan0, which is correct.

It seems to be an issue in that daemon so I may not be able to use the same Pi for both IRLP and Allstar


Hmmm...maybe the thing to do
Hmmm...maybe the thing to do is assign IRLP to eth0 and Allstar to wlan0....let me try that....

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