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AirRouter instability Nightly 84 & previous

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k1ky's picture
AirRouter instability Nightly 84 & previous
It seems that I am noticing some instability with AirRouter nodes on the latest Nightly version 84 and possibly back to production  They increase load factor and then go unavailable on the network but are still seen on the node list.  I have not been able to obtain a diagnostic dump as of yet.  I believe this usually happens with nodes that do not have RF buddies like has happened way long before.
KD1HA's picture
Tom, same problem here as
Tom, same problem here as well with all versions dating back to 

k1ky's picture
2 Days with RF Buddy ok N-84
So it's now been 2 days up and running with an RF buddy on this AirRouter AR on Nightly 84 and load figures are still low: .31, .17, .09 | Definite improvement compared to running with no RF buddy or RF disabled.  Stable operation so far.  I believe we also have a situation where an AirRouter without an RF buddy DTD'd to a Mikrotik HAP (no RF) also runs stable with no issues.
KD1HA's picture
I guess I will sacrifice
I guess I will sacrifice another AirRouter "buddy" to my problem and see if that solves my 3 year mystery! It always starts out running fine until the next day and then it's on again and off again.
k1ky's picture
RF Buddies do the trick +
Yes, I've been running all this time since my initial report with an RF buddy on this unit and everything has been stable.  I do remember some cases where I have had a non-RF DTD HAP buddy that also seemed to stabilize the situation, but another AirRouter nearby does the trick.  Remember to to run them too close to each other on high power settings.  Also set your distance parameter to 1km (not 0=auto).
AE6XE's picture
Note in the on-node helpfile,
Note in the on-node helpfile, if you have nodes relatively close in proximity, always use a static distance settings.  the auto-distance settings is terrible at these short distances. Auto distance works best when distance is in kilometers, and there are not a lot of neighbors coming and going. 

KD1HA's picture
Thanks Tom good information!
Thanks Tom good information!


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