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Odd Issue with MikroTik hAP ac lite and tunnels

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KE0RSX's picture
Odd Issue with MikroTik hAP ac lite and tunnels
Hi, everyone,

I have a strange issue. One of our members has a MikroTik that's set up as a tunnel client to me. He has it plugged into his home router and his computer is plugged into another port on the MikroTik. If his computer is turned on, his tunnel is active. But, as soon as he shuts down the computer, the tunnel disconnects.

The MikroTik is plugged into his modem (Windstream Wi-Fi Modem Model T3200). Is this because there's nothing "active" on the mesh side of the MikroTik, or could it be a configuration setting that's wrong? I thought I set it the same as everyone else, but at the same time the other two that we have going are actively connected to a mesh. He doesn't have a mesh aside from the MikroTik right now.

Thank you for any suggestions that you might have.

nc8q's picture
One of our members has a MikroTik

Please confirm which port of what is plugged into which port what.
All references to 'Mikrotik' are to the hAP (RB952Ui-5ac2nD)?

KE0RSX's picture
Yes to the MikroTik
Yes it's the RB952ui. And he said the cable from the internet port is going to his router, and port 2 is going to his computer. He doesn't have any other devices plugged in at all. Have a great night. Patrick.
nc8q's picture
Odd Issue with MikroTik hAP ac lite and tunnels

Hi, Patrick:
Yes, odd.
I disconnected my hAP and hour ago and I see:
 Previous Neighbors When
 NC8Q-hAP 1 hour ago

Is this something like how you know that his tunnel disconnects?

But, as soon as he shuts down the computer, the tunnel disconnects.
If he shuts down his computer, how does he know that it disconnects?


KE0RSX's picture
We know it does.
So, I have two clients on my server. K0WLC (the one with the issue) and N0MRZ. Scott (N0MRZ) is the one who noticed that we would lose Gary's (K0WLC) tunnel. Through trial and error, we found out that it happens when Gary shuts his computer down. When he turns it back on, the tunnel reconnects to mine and we see him again.

A question that I thought of at work last night. If the only thing on Gary's node is his computer, then it would make sense for the tunnel to disconnect if there's nothing needing it (the computer is off). Does that sound reasonable, or is there something else that I should look at? When he turns his computer on, I can download the support files if necessary.

And to answer your other question, yes he does show up in the Previous neighbors on our nodes when he shuts the computer off and the tunnel disconnects.

Have a great day. :)
nc8q's picture
Odd Issue with MikroTik hAP ac lite and tunnels

Hi, Patrick:

Odd indeed.
I could not reproduce.
I set up my hAP (Port 1, WAN) on my home lan and used the LAN ip of my tunnel server (NanoLoco M2). (NanoLoco-M2) password, got the blue cloud.
The only cable in my hAP is its WAN port to my home LAN port.
The 'Previous' is from my hAP's DtD connection from early this morning.


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