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Can AREDN interoperate with HSMM systems?

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Can AREDN interoperate with HSMM systems?

I have a deployed based of HSMM systems, some of which are not supported by AREDN.

Can AREDN and HSMM interoperate

WU2S's picture
If by HSMM you mean the Broadband Hamnet systems, then the answer is a limited Yes. A direct link over RF is possible only on the 2.4 GHz band on channels 1 through 6. 
AREDN software itself is a form of a high-speed multimedia (HSMM) network which evolved from Broadband Hamnet six years ago. 

So if I have a Broadband Hamnet node on 2.4 GHz and ensure that the SSIDs between AREDN and HSMM are consistent I can mix HSMM nodes with AREDN  nodes then.

Do I understand correctly?

WU2S's picture
AREDN and Broadband Hamnet
The SSID, the channel and the bandwidth all need to be the same. They should work together seamlessly.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Well HSMM and AREDN work almost: still confused

I configured a GL-AR150 with the AREDN software.

I set it to 20 mb channel width and channel 1.

I have a WRT54GL with HSMM software.

I changed the SSID to AREDN-20-v3 ( AREDN did not allow full control of the SSID)

I can see the WRT54GL system on the mesh.

LQ is 100

NLQ is 0

I can't connect.

Any sense of what might be the problem?

Thanks in advance!

Mystery solved

Ok my equipment was on HSMM 1.0.0 (Linksys) and 1.0.1 (ubiquiti).

I upgraded to HSMM 3.1 on all the HSSM nodes and they now interoperate with my AREDN nodes.

Thanks for the  help!

K5DLQ's picture
Just be careful.  There are
Just be careful.  There are numerous security vulnerabilities that were never fixed in BBHN firmware.   By allowing these nodes on your AREDN network, you may be exposing the entire network to potential threats.

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