Hi! Can "sub-forums" be created? If yes, I'd like to see a California Forum, and beneath that a Ventura County Forum.
If that's not workable, a Ventura County forum will be just fine.
Thanks in advance.
73 - Orv - W6BI
Simi Valley, CA
Hi! Can "sub-forums" be created? If yes, I'd like to see a California Forum, and beneath that a Ventura County Forum.
If that's not workable, a Ventura County forum will be just fine.
Thanks in advance.
73 - Orv - W6BI
Simi Valley, CA
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Thank you for the suggestion. We're looking forward to reading about your local activities.
Thanks very much! We'll be adding some content very soon.
73 - Orv - W6BI
Hello, I am trying to pose a writeup with pictures to the Ventura County CA section. It appears that I any pictures I post do not get saved to the forum. Is this an administrator or user issue. Please advise.
THx Paul, WD6EBY
The ability to post pictures in forum content is not yet installed. We plan to have this feature available soon.
Not sure if this is the appropriate place for this, but we are working on getting a group of hams and two clubs together to start a MESH deployment in North Dakota. I was wondering if it would be possible to get it added to the regions.
There is now a Southern Arizona region. With a Mesa sub. How about a Northern Az with Lake Havasu City sub?
We are in Mohave County Az, the most northwest county in AZ, bordering San Bernardino, CA, Nevada, and Utah. (Geographically the 5th largest county in the US, but fairly small population.) Lake Havasu City AREDN will grow to Bullhead City and Kingman in coming year or so.
Thanks for all you do!
73 Charlie KØTAN
Augustine W8AWT
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