I burned the midnight oil overnight and flashed several AREDN Nodes with the new firmware. So far no issues and things appear to not only be running smoothly but a bit more consistently than with the blend of older versions that were in place. Obviously it's early in the game, but I am quite please with this new release. The nodes are a mixture of Ubiquiti, Mikrotik and Gl-iNET devices all of which took the upgrade cleanly and without any glitches. That alone was enough to warrant my praise. I trust everyone will see similar results. Thanks team for the diligent and hard work that went into this effort. We are quite fortunate to have you supporting the AREDN project providing all of us with an excellent concept and product that has unlimited possibilities.
Please report any bugs or problems at our Github issues page.
We are upgrading many of our nodes today in Oregon.
After 5 reboots, my Mikrotik hAP ac node is back online with its tunnel client and iperfspeed packages updated successfully to
1) First thing we noticed, is that refresh of download firmware dropdown doesn't link to new firmware; only old versions.
-->Will there be a way to choose the latest stable release from the menu?
2) A refresh of packages reveals a new iperf3-v3.7 package needed to be installed. The old iperfspeed_0.5_all.ipk is still available on the documents page. It needed to be reinstalled, and then iperfspeed worked again. I had noticed iperfspeed was broken on the 1394 nightly build until the package was reinstalled.
-->Will iperfspeed be updated or added to the package download menu?
Thanks for all your work on the new release.
Salem Oregon
See our live mesh map on https://willamettevalleymesh.net/map.html
the "download firmware" option is somewhat challenging with this release and 2 architectures (ar71xx and ath79).
We will be working on enabling that for older devices to see the new firmware, but, it's alway possible to download the file and upload it.
UPDATE: most devices should have updated "download firmware" lists (exception is all of the TP-Link devices)
Question: if I enable auto-distance (set to zero), how often does it reassess the best delay and adjust? Right now I just left it at the previous fixed setting that I identified by running iperf and sliding the values up and down.
Thank you for the excellent work, and 73's,