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Nano station m5 bricked on 3.20

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Nano station m5 bricked on 3.20

I have a Nanostation m5 that ran AREDN 3.19 fine for nearly 1 year  . So the new software came out last week and I did upgrades to 3 of my 10 various branded nodes and the nanostation m5 NS5N and now it won't boot.
It sits there there with the power light stays solid and the 2 lan ports and the 2nd and 3rd signal lights flash quickly and go out at the same time.
 Any ideas?

K5DLQ's picture
do you have a Nanostation M5
do you have a Nanostation M5 (XM) or (XW)?
Did you verify the correct firmware file?
Have you tried to do a TFTP load of the appropriate "aredn-factory.bin" file?
I used Windows TFTP client 
I used Windows TFTP client  with all the Nanastation m5 files and get failure "error on server" firmware check failed.
Is there any way to tell what ver Nanaostation I have by SerNumber or Hardware ?
I used Windows TFTP client 

I used Windows TFTP client  with all the Nanastation m5 files and get failure "error on server" firmware check failed.
Is there any way to tell what ver Nanaostation I have by SerNumber or Hardware ?

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K5DLQ's picture
You might want to try to TFTP
You might want to try to TFTP install the Ubiquiti AirOS firmware for XM and XW devices.   It will only let you load the correct one.   That should get the device back to a functional state (with AirOS).   That's one way to tell which version that you have.
Thank you gentlemen. I
Thank you gentlemen. I figured it out with the " Pitch til you win" methodology. it was an XM and I used the factory load and it took it.
Thanks again for you help
nc8q's picture
Permanent marker
Use a permanent marker and identify the device. ;-)
w6bi's picture
yes  smiley
Way to identify XW or XM remotely?

Is there a way to identify if a Ubiquiti node is XW or XM remotely, like telnet'ing in and using a command line?

Thank you and 73's',

Disregard - using data.txt and Admin page
I determined that I could identity XM vs XW from the Admin page as well as from the data.txt files in the diagnostic data dumps.

Thank you and 73's,

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