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IPv6 Support for Mesh maybe in next protocol revision

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IPv6 Support for Mesh maybe in next protocol revision
Has this been thought about yet ? I'm just poking the bear.
AE6XE's picture
Yes, definitely consideration
Yes, definitely consideration.   ipv6 is a major undertaking and desired.   In consideration of all the features-value the community voices a desire for, it's generally the things we can't do right now that are higher up on the list.   ipv6 gives us a better way of doing what we're already doing, and like the greater internet, still at ipv4.    The more Software Engineers and/or Embedded Developers that add a hand to contribute, we'll get there faster.

Thanks for the response Joe,
Thanks for the response Joe, I would imagine that if you are using openwrt as a base for AREDN, that ipv6 is available, it's just a matter of integrating it into the web system that the team has developed. I'm not much of a developer, I'm a network engineer by trade. Let me know if there's anything you think that I could contribute to the effort. 

AE6XE's picture
Yes, 2 issues with
Yes, 2 issues with implementing ipv6: 

1) we stripped out ipv6 in the kernel.  Adding it back in risks the kernel won't have enough space left to operate on 32M RAM devices.  We've been nickle and dime'ing things in/out, maybe ipv6 will fit, maybe it won't.
2)  yes, we keep saying choice words every time we need to make non-trivial changes to the UI.  Both the UI and initial setup code are mostly done in perl.  perl is not very inefficient on embedded devices with limited memory.  The next major thing that really needs to be done is replacing perl with a language efficient on embedded devices, which also means replacing the UI with a modern framework. Then it will be better positioned to add ipv6.  

What is the development team

What is the development team looking at ? Something like python ? And, is there anything that I can do to help ?

K6AH's picture
We have a UI project started in Angular, but lost our Angular resource.  If that's a skill in your tool bag, we'd be happy to have you join in the effort.

Andre, K6AH

KF6RTA's picture
Would that be NodeJS for the

Would that be NodeJS for the back end and Angular for the front end?


K6AH's picture
No, a combination of Lua and

No, the backend is a combination of Lua and JSON.  If you get any more technical, I'll need Darryl to jump in here.


I have some basic python
I have some basic python skills, I have not done anything with Angular, but I am willing to learn. Is there a standard development environment via like vagrant or something like that ?

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