Docket No. 19-138 "Use of the 5.850-5.925 GHz Band" has now been published in the Federal Register and is open for comments. I'll have some guidance on this posted in the next day or so. Basically, our arguments are similar to those posted in the 3 GHz Docket.
Thanks to all who are actively posting their objections!
Andre, K6AH
Thanks to all who are actively posting their objections!
Andre, K6AH
The proposed regulations will significantly impact amateur radio operators in their abilities to assist officials during emergency operations. Equipment for other bands are not readily available, and might not be accepted in sites that require commercial equipment. Stores of amateur-built equipment may take years to create and get approved for those sites. If equipment is not acceptable to those sites, amateur radio will lose a valuable and scalable technology in these efforts.
I urge everyone possible to comment and oppose this 19-138 - It's easy to file your comments, simply go to
and enter 19-138 in the first box and be sure you select the correct action in the drop-down list. Then all you really need to say is "I Oppose This Action" with a proper name and address attached. Numbers of comments filed in opposition is what counts - short and sweet counts just as much as extended stuff from windbags like me. This is a vote - not a caucus.
These were my comments as filed on Jan 21, 2020:
"As a properly licensed Amateur Radio Operator since 1989, I totally oppose this proposed action. American Ham Radio has always been there in the past for backup Emergency Communications, serving well both the citizens and the agencies involved in major American disasters. Recently a large group of hams across the USA, relying upon current FCC allocation rules, have been building out local alternative Digital Network based EMCOMM based on open-source AREDN firmware efforts. They have done so, and continue to do so, out of their own pockets and with their own volunteer efforts. They do so dedicated to the public good. This proposed action would destroy those efforts, squander those personal investments, and burn this very dedicated group of American volunteers. No amount of government nor private for-profit industry can make up that difference. I urge you to TOTALLY OPPOSE this action and restore the belief in, and support of, the individual American volunteer citizen. Donald Backstrom - AA7AU"
Here are more comments on-file for this action:,DESC
Mine is here:
Please just go do it now!
- Don - AA7AU
Done! It only took only a few minutes! It doesn't matter much what you say but more the number of responses to it!
First of all: if you haven't yet posted in opposition to 19-138, this is your reminder to please do so NOW!
It's easy to file your comments, simply go to:
and enter 19-138 in the first box and be sure you select the correct action in the drop-down list. Then all you really need to say is "I Oppose This Action" with a proper name and address attached. Numbers of comments filed in opposition is what counts - short and sweet counts just as much as extended stuff from windbags like me. This is a vote - not a caucus.
Once you've done that, ... for a different perspective on the matter, here's opposition from another group with a "dog in the race":
- Don - AA7AU