Anyone has information on setting up VLANs on a Netgear GS308T. I have done the tag and untag feature, but nothing is working. I am unable to connect from my computer to my Nanostation Loco M2.
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A VLAN switch is not needed to connect a computer to a Nanostation.
From the POE injector, connect the POE port to the 'Main' port on the nanostation,
and connect the LAN port to the computer.
If you actually have a need for a VLAN switch, there is more to configuration than
" I have done the tag and untag feature".
There are several items to configure
Enable VLAN
Configure a VLAN1, VLAN2, and another VLAN# for each node.
Set a VLAN membership (tag or untag or unset for each VLAN above)
Set a PVID for each switch port.
I hope this helps.
I am anxious about the typos.
Following this:
You mentioned a single node (Ubiquiti Loco M2), a single computer using 'ports 7 and 8', and a single router.
You will likely need a WAN port.
All 'port' numbers refer to the GS108T.
I see no need for 'Link AGgregate' ports.
I suggest that the 'LAG' settings should be blank for all ports.
Your screenshots:
"Port one is connected to the router"
VLAN1: The WAN port should be untagged, others should be tagged
VLAN2 was omitted from your screenshots.
Ports connected to Node(s) should be tagged. All others should be blank.
I will assume that port 8 is tagged.
" port 7 an 8 has the locom2 attach"
Your Loco M2 should attach to a single port. Please choose one. See VLAN2 above.
Port 7 and 8 should be untagged and all others blank.
Port 1 -> PVID 1
Port 7 -> PVID 10
Port 8 -> PVID 10
Your computer will use port 7 and obtain a DHCP assigned address from the Node on port 8.
I hope this helps.
During a telephone call with Daniel K6DLC,
we got his GS-308T working.
I think the problem was, mainly, the Link AGgregate settings.
He set all LAG settings to 'blank'.