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Hwclock Function

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k6dlc's picture
Hwclock Function
   I have noticed that there is no "hwclock" command to sync up the OS time. Was that an oversite?

K5DLQ's picture
there is no hardware (RTC)

there is no hardware (RTC) clock on the node.

Will we be able to use the rocket designed for a GPS for a time server?
AE6XE's picture
KC1BHD,  The Rocket GPS clock
KC1BHD,  The Rocket GPS clock is not implemented and used as a ntp time server in AREDN.  While this can likely be done, it is not high on the list to go implement within a mesh node directly.    There are other approaches to also consider that don't bundle the NTPServer within the wireless router.  

Ubiquiti has GPS clocks for the purpose of TDMA timing for co-located nodes to optimize the frequency use.
kj6dzb's picture
I first started having time
I first started having time clock issues with my first rpi, I found the hw clock to too suck! and it needed a internet connection... Enough said! I ve gone throu a few generations on RPi based NTPD time server and now I provide a GPS based NTPD to the mesh. Its clear to me why TDMA need an GPSclock, but the lack of a Basic ability to set a NTP server on a local node, is lacking.

Im curious how the the Rockets with GPS do keep clock? In my case a UTART GPS module outputs a pps signal wired to the gpio4, from there a custom build of NTPD picks up the pps signal and compares it to a list of NTP servers. Ive all so used GPSD talks with NTPD to just read the GPS time. Have any idea how the Rockets do it?
I can provide details to the dev group if they have interest.       
kg9dw's picture
why a clock?
I agree for the need for ntp for servers and workstations on the mesh, but it isn't needed for the operation of the mesh network itself. That reason alone is enough to keep it out of the AREDN software. Core functionality in the software, core plus stuff provided by other devices hung off of the mesh. 
AE6XE's picture
A commit in OpenWRT related
A commit in OpenWRT related to GPS rocket titanium devices noted that the GPS was attached to the first serial port.   So all the same techniques with GPSD, etc. would work.   Possibly this script would do the job without loading more packages:

But, as noted, while this will work, where is the line drawn to not at some point overload a mesh router so that its core function starts to be impacted--performance and reliability.  hamchat, gps, network monitoring, etc.  

Good points
I'll use a raspberry pi for all other functions and let the ubiquiti devices stick to meshing ! Thanks guys 73's Jim

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