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RockShield Quality Issue

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N4RT's picture
RockShield Quality Issue

I have installed about five or six of the RockShield enclosures on Rockets over the last few months and I have just run into a problem that looks to be a quality control issue.  I am wondering if anyone else has also seen this problem?  All of the RockShields I installed worked just fine but this last one seems to have the bracket installed too high on the enclosure.  So, when you install it in the bracket on the AMO-2G13, for example, it sits lower on the bracket and the cables that come with the omni antenna are too short to reach the connectors on the Rocket!  I compared the bracket location on this particular RockShield to the location of the bracket on the Rocket and there is almost a half inch difference between the two.  If I install the Rocket without the enclosure it fits just fine and the cables are at the correct length to mate with the RF connectors on the Rocket.  I would attach photos but can't figure out how to do that in this forum.  If anyone is interested in seeing the photos, email me and I'll send them to you.

I emailed RF Elements Customer Service to see what they say about the problem.  The bracket on this particular enclosure is riveted and can't be moved without going to a lot of trouble to drill out the rivets and making new holes in the enclosure.  Has anyone else experienced similar issues with RockShield enclosures?


Ron N4RT
Bromley, AL

WU2S's picture
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N4RT's picture
RockShield Quality Issue (Photos)

OK, here goes... will see if I can upload these images:

The first photo is the Rocket itself mounted on the AMO-2G13.
The second photo is the Rocket installed in the RockShield mounted on the AMO-2G13.
The third photo is the side-by-side comparison of the bracket location on the RockShield and the Rocket.  There is about a half inch difference in location which causes the RockShield to sit lower in the bracket!

Image Attachments: 
On a quick glance (and this
On a quick glance (and this is speculation), I wonder if RF Elements moved the mounting bracket to better accommodate the Rocket Sector which is one of the main users of the RocketShield. The Cable Protection hood on those wouldn't work after you added RF armor because the  RF Armor case would block the shield sliding into position.  By moving it down a half inch they may have made that cable shield work, but inadvertently (since the Omni is not exactly the most widely used antenna in the WISP world especialy WISP's that use shielding) made the RF Armor incompatible with the stock leads of the Ubiquiti Omni.

The RocketSheld prohibiting use of the stock Ubuqiti cable protector always annoyed me (as it probably did others) if it was intentionally I can understand why, especially since the shield would still be compatible with the omni it would just need a bit longer leads.

N4RT's picture

I'm not familiar with the issue you described with the Rocket sector antennas.  I've asked RF Elements about this issue and sent them the pictures also.  I have not yet received a reply.  It would seem to me that they should warn the customer that the existing RF cables will be too short after installing their enclosure, if this was an intentional design change.  I've installed at least five other RocketShields that came from the same distributor that didn't have this issue... the bracket was installed in the correct location.  I suspect this is a Quality "escape" and am wondering how many others got out the door before somebody discovered the problem.  The installation guide that came with this unit hasn't changed.  It still illustrates using the existing RF cables.


Ron N4RT
Bromley, AL

Will be curious what they
Will be curious what they come back with to you.

As noted if it was intentional don't be surprised if RF Elements didn't think about the length of the omni antenna leads as omni's are not used that often(ever) by WISPS (the target market for these cases) and the other antennas have more than enough coax lead to handle a half inch lower. If not an intentional change then yes its a QA issue.

You can somewhat see the issue I am speaking about by reading the datasheet:

When you put a Rocket Armor case around the rocket the "Protective Cap" can no longer slide over the rocket because the rocket + armor is too wide.

Keep us up to date, will be curious to know what RF Elements says.
N4RT's picture
RF Elements Response
Well, I finally got a response from Tasos Alexiou at RF Elements.  Although I sent him the pictures, he still doesn't seem to understand the problem.  I think there may be some language issues here, but he did say he would look into it.

So far, no further response has been received.

Ron N4RT
AE6XE's picture
Could there be 2 different
Could there be 2 different part #s with ~same advertised description?  ...and this is the wrong one?

N4RT's picture
Part Numbers
Hi Joe,

No, there are no part numbers on the box or the RockShield itself.  The two different versions came in exactly the same packaging... boxes are identical.  It still fits the bracket on the AMO-2G13 OK, but when using the RockShield with the bracket installed higher up, the complete assembly sits lower on the omni antenna, so the stock coaxial cables are too short.  I can tie strap it to the omni bracket and make it work, but disappointed that the bracket is not in the same place on each RockShield out of the box.  Still haven't heard anymore from RF Elements about the problem.  I think I will send them another email today.


Ron N4RT
It appears that their
It appears that their original use for the RockShield was for mounting on the back of a sector antenna - all of their images show the connections making a 90 degree bend to the antenna.  From the images in their datasheet, it does appear that one of yours has the bracket attached in a different place. 

k1ky's picture
Omni Antennas have shorter cables
I was able to compare the jumper cables that come with the UBNT 5G Sector Antennas against those supplied with the 5G Omni antenna for the Rocket and the Omni antenna jumper cables are shorter.  If you can order some jumpers that accompany the sector antennas, they should reach your "new" Mount.  Or, you could swap some cables with a sector antenna as I find they are too long anyway.  I really don't like having to "loop" the cable to eliminae the excess.  Otherwise you will need to re-drill the holes and move the mount.
k1ky's picture
RockShield Quality Issue II 12/4/19

I'm re-visiting the RockShield vs UBNT Sector Rocket Cover issue.  Does anyone know if the "newer" RockShield mounts are offest enough that the Sector Weather Cap for the Rocket will now allow the cover to snap into place?  I believe I still have some of the older RockShields that will clearly not allow the cover to gracefully fit over the Rocket + RockShield. We are currently evaluating a redesign of the cover and manufacturing our own 3D Printed Covers (U/V Resistant material) that will fit properly over the Shield + Rocket.  

Before we dive too far into this project, I pose the question: Has anyone come up with a better solution for this problem or already have a modified cover template (for 3D printer) that we can use to print "new" covers??


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