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Central Virginia Digital Network (CVADN)

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KQ9P's picture
Central Virginia Digital Network (CVADN)
I'm pleased to announce that we now have a working network in Central Virginia.  We have two 5.8 GHz nodes, both Rocket M5s with omni antennas.  One is located at the W4UVA shack ( on Observatory Hill on the University of Virginia campus (what we here call Grounds), and the newest node (yesterday) is at the Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital Main Campus.  Coverage in Charlottesville should be pretty good.  We're still looking for mounting assets to extend the network more broadly across the Virginia ARES District 3 counties (Albemarle, Buckingham, Cumberland, Fluvanna, and Greene).

Information about the network will be kept current at  The primary purpose of the CVADN is emergency communications and public service, but it is be available for experimentation and use by any licensed amateur when it is not needed for emcomm and public service.

Mike KQ9P
WU2S's picture
Congratulations on the good start! We'll be watching with great interest in your progress.
KQ9P's picture
CVADN starting to come together
Finally, the network is getting off the ground (sorry for that pun) here in Albemarle County and Charlottesville.  We have had two backbone nodes running for some time.  (See for details.)  We have the go-ahead for the third node, which will significantly enhance coverage.  A half-dozen of our ARES group members have acquired portable nodes, and we are exercising with them during our monthly field exercise.  We have NextCloud and a Winlink gateway on the network, and are starting to experiment with VoIP.  It is great to have some critical mass!

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