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KK2T's picture
I have ran across a 5ghz Cambium model C054045C004B radio that looks similar to the Ubiquiti air fiber 5ghz radio. has any one seen these or attempted to use them in ham node use?
AE6XE's picture
These devices would have to
These devices would have to be used with factory firmware in bridge mode, then run AREDN over the top dtdlink, as if it was a cat5 cable.   I see that there are models ($$$) supporting 3.5Ghz part 97 space.   Openwrt does not support any of these devices and I don't see any specs (with a quick google) that lets us know what the chipset inside is.   most likely it does not have a wireless chipset that has a compatible open source driver.

One consideration is if the encryption can be turned off.  apparently the airfiber models, the encryption is in hardware.

KK2T's picture
Thank you Joe for your reply.
Thank you Joe for your reply. I am just now getting my feet wet in this side of HAM radio. I have the device apart. What would I need to look at to see if it has a wireless chipset?

Andrew KK2T
AE6XE's picture
Look for an "Atheros" or
Look for an "Atheros" or "Qualcomm" chip.  Something like this pic.

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